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Updated: August 23, 2024

"I shall know next time," said Gard, and to Nance it was a fresh experience to think of some one going out of his way to be of possible service to her. Before the six weeks allowed by Sark law for the retraiting of the property had expired, Grannie and Mrs. Hamon put in their claims, and it became generally known that they would become the new owners of La Closerie, in place of John Guille.

We were sitting over the fire, one cold night in the spring, Carette and I, Aunt Jeanne having gone to bed to get warm, when a knock came on the door, and when I opened it George Hamon came in and stood before the hearth. He looked pinched and cold, and yet aglow with some inner warmth, and his first word told why. "He is dead, Phil. I found him lying in his bed as if asleep, but he was dead."

Martel lay so still that a fear began to grow in Hamon that he was dead. He had caught him deftly on the temple as he came on. He had heard of men being killed by a blow like that. He knelt and turned the other gingerly over, and felt his heart beating.

"What's it there for if it's not to be got out?" "You mark me, Tom Hamon, no good will come of all this upsetting and digging out the insides of the Island nenni-gia!" "Pergui, mother, where do you think all the silver and gold in the world came from?" "It didn't come out of our Sark rocks any way, mon gars." "Good thing for us if it had, ma !

The Doctor straightens up from his brief examination, and says a word to the Sénéchal, and to the men about him. A rough stretcher is made out of a couple of oars and a sail, and the sombre procession passes through the gloomy old tunnel into the Creux Road, and wends its way up to the school-house for proper inquiry to be made as to how Tom Hamon came by his death.

Tom Hamon was drunk last night and hit me in the face, but he was not in a condition to fight or I'd have taught him better manners." "He's a rough piece," with a disparaging shake of the head. "It'd take a lot to knock him into shape. Try this," and she delved among her stores, and found him an ointment of her own compounding which took some of the soreness out of his bruises.

The discovery of silver in Sark, the opening of the mines, and the coming of the English miners with all the very problematical benefits of a vastly increased currency of money, and the sudden introduction of new ideas and standards of life and living into a community which had hitherto been contented with the order of things known to its forefathers these things had told upon many, but on none more than old Tom Hamon.

As when John de la Wade in 1270 persuaded a band of men to help him in invading the manor of Hamon de Clere, in this very parish of Tittleshall, seizing the corn and threshing it, and, more wonderful still, cutting down timber, and carrying it off.

And the idea had struck me all of a heap, that if any ill had befallen George Hamon or my grandfather we might wait in vain for their coming, when a shout came pealing down the long and narrow cleft of the cave "Carré! Phil Carré!" I thought it was George Hamon's voice, and the start I gave woke Carette, and we set off for the rock parlour.

His life was sought by the law, and would certainly be forfeited if he was found. I must find George Hamon at once. "Are they fighting still at Dixcart?" I asked the Guernsey man. "There was firing over yonder as we came along," he said, pointing to the south-west. "But it is finished now." "That was their chief attack. The Sénéchal was shot at Eperquerie. George Hamon is in charge at Dixcart.

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