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It was a feeling so strong and vibrant that she felt as if Mount Dunstan himself must be reached and upborne by it as if he himself must hear her. Rosalie looked at her half-startled, and, for the moment held fascinated by the sudden force rising in her and by the splendid spark of light under her lids.

She did not understand him, but prudence restrained her from telling him so. Seated as she was he was the only person in the vestibule whom she could see, her back being turned to all beside. She wondered, again with that delightful yet half-startled thrill, if his meaning were in any way connected with this fact. He certainly absorbed the whole of her attention, if that were what he wanted.

Half-startled, but not alarmed, the two foxes fixed their gaze upon me a second, then gracefully, and with infinite ease, they cleared a three-foot bush without a run and disappeared in the gloom. But in that leap I gained all the thrill that I missed with my arrow. Such facile grace I never saw.

As the porter had bundled her into the carriage, the man in the corner had raised a pair of deep-set blue eyes, looked at her for a moment with a half-startled glance, and then, with the barest flicker of a smile, had let his eyes drop once more upon his writing-pad. Then he crossed out the word "Kismet," which he had inadvertently written. Diana regarded him with interest.

"That's a most haunting little song you sang, dear," she said. Mrs. Bellew answered: "The words are so true, aren't they?" George felt her eyes on him, and tried to look at her, but those half-smiling, half-threatening eyes seemed to twist and turn him about as his hands had twisted and turned about his mother's embroidery. Again across Mrs. Pendyce's face flitted that half-startled look.

But when I turned to Nora and saw her dear little face still white and drawn, and with an expression half-subdued, half-startled, that it had never worn before, I felt thankful that the unbidden visitor had attempted no communication. "It might have sent her out of her mind," I thought.

Seated on a footstool, with her chin in the cup of her hands, was a girl. At first, blinded a little by the light, Keith thought she was a child, a remarkably pretty child with wide-open, half-startled eyes and a wonderful crown of glowing, brown hair in which he could still see the shimmer of wet. He took off his hat and brushed the water from his eyes. McDowell did not move.

"I shall take care not to do so, for who will warrant that he is not among us at this very moment?" "Where? Who?" exclaimed we altogether, half-amused, half-startled, looking about the room. "That is impossible." "Oh! to this man, or whatever he may be, things still more incomprehensible are possible." "But who is he? Whence comes he? Is he an Armenian or a Russian?

In all our conversation it half maddened me to see the lovely eyes I loved so dearly dropped shyly away from me. It may not be a very elegant comparison, but she always reminded me of some shy, beautiful bird. She had a bright, half-startled way of looking at me. Several times, when I met her suddenly, I saw the lovely face flush and the little hands tremble. Did she love me or did she not?

"But, my dear Meister!" exclaimed the burgomaster's wife with increasing impatience, "I'm not asking about your motets and tabulatures, but my husband." Wilhelm gazed at the young wife's face with a half-startled, half- astonished look.