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Updated: August 2, 2024

She learnt it by heart and let it sing to her as she lay half-sleeping and half-waking, half-living and half-dying: "There is a World; men compass it through tears, Dare doom for joy of it; it called me o'er the foam; I found it down the track of sundering years, Beyond the long island where the sea steals home.

The imperfect glimmer of the half-dying and single candle threw into strong lights and shades the marked, rugged, and ferocious features of the cottager; and the eye of the traveller, glancing from the face to the limbs and frame, saw that whatever of violence the mind might design, the body might well execute. The traveller sank into a gloomy reverie.

His personal influence has been able to magnetize a half-dying body into new and active life. This strong personal characteristic is especially remarked among his friends. No one can approach him in doubt, in despondency, or in embarrassment, and leave him without a higher hope, a stronger courage, and a manlier faith in himself. The energy which has impelled him to labor still exists. Mr.

Towards evening her strength failed; and when the hunter came up to her it was a poor half-dying deer that he found lying on the grass. She thought her death was certain still, from his hands, it did not seem so terrible as from any one else; but instead of killing her he caressed her. "Beautiful hind," said he, "do not be afraid. I only wish to take you home with me, and have you with me always."

Innocent! little Innocent! she who had once been all brightness and gaiety, was this desolate, half-dying, stricken creature the same girl? Ah, no! Not the same! Never the same any more! Some numbing blow had smitten her, some withering fire had swept over her, and she was no longer what she once had been.

The next annoying circumstance was when an apparently strong and healthy young fellow, well dressed, and smiling, came forward to meet her on the terrace, instead of the half-dying unfortunate whom she had expected to see. She was astonished and vexed, and her disappointment pleased Colia immensely.

Why, I tell you, Miss Lady, I am half-dying of lonesomeness right now, right here in my own home, on my own ground, in the only place in God A'mighty's world where I am fit to live." "You must not," said Miss Lady, and turned toward him eyes in which stood sudden tears. "I must go. I must go away." "Listen, I tell you," said Blount again, sternly, and put out a hand as she would have risen.

"What a concourse!" he cried, casting up his eyes with an expression of half-dying fatigue, "are you not accable? for my part, I hardly respire. I have really hardly ever had the honour of being so obsede before." "We can make very good room, Sir," said Morrice, "if you chuse to come in."

The man called Moncada uttered a single word; by the accent it might have been something equivalent to wretch; but none knew its import. The female gave a convulsive shudder, such as that by which a half-dying soldier is affected on receiving a second wound.

Acts of retaliation had been but rarely practised by the Americans; and the English, like other tyrants, mistook their mildness and generosity for timidity. Five hundred Americans, in a half-dying state, had been carried to the sea-shore, where the greatest number of them soon expired, and the general very properly refused to reckon them in exchange for his own prisoners of war.

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