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Updated: August 6, 2024

Gronow, at Ebenezer, has a hearty abhorrence for both. As for Gronow, I pity him, if his future lot should fall where Mr. Oriel supposes that it will. And as for Oriel, he has not even the benefit of purgatory, which he would accord to his neighbor Ebenezer; while old Slocum pronounces both to be a couple of humbugs; and Mr.

"Then write your name in this book," said I, taking out a pocket- book and a pencil, "and write likewise that you are related to Gronwy Owen and be sure you write in Welsh." The little maiden very demurely took the book and pencil, and placing the former on the table wrote as follows: "Ellen Jones yn perthyn o bell i gronow owen." That is, "Ellen Jones belonging from afar to Gronwy Owen."

"Well, away went Dan at a full gallop. Gronow sat down on a bank, and I fidgeted about in no very enviable frame of mind, the confounded provost-marshal eying me all the while. "'I can only give you five minutes more, Major, said Gronow, placing his watch beside him on the grass.

Things were beginning to look a little awkward, when Gunthorpe, the adjutant, a great friend of mine, took my part and said, "As he is here, let us make the most of him; there's plenty of work for everyone. Come, Gronow, you shall go with the Hon. Captain Clements and a detachment to the village of Waterloo, to take charge of the French prisoners."

I only wish I had some of the excellent brown bread and butter we used to get at Spiers's: but I was never very fastidious in my diet." Then he continued, in a wild and eccentric manner: "Gronow, do you remember the beautiful Martha, the Hebe of Spiers's? She was the loveliest girl I ever saw, and I loved her to distraction."

Chambers said to me, "Now, Gronow, the loss has been very severe in the Guards, and I think you ought to go and see whether you are wanted; for, as you have really nothing to do with Picton, you had better join your regiment, or you may get into a scrape."

"I told one of 'em," said Anthony in my ear, "fellow in blue frock yonder, that you were the dooce an' all with a hair trigger almost as dead a shot as your uncle Jervas or Gronow of the Guards, and begad, it's set 'em all by the ears, Perry, especially that scoundrel Danby." At this I laughed, I think, wondering the while if Anthony would ever know how much I loved and admired him.

"'Dan, I'll forgive you the fifteen pounds. "'That you owe me, said Dan, laughing. "'Who'll ever be the father to you I have been? Who'll mix your punch with burned Madeira, when I'm gone? said I. "'Well, really, I am sorry for you, Monsoon. I say, Gronow, don't tuck him up for a few minutes; I'll speak for the old villain, and if I succeed, I'll wave my handkerchief.

A short, gray-haired old colonel, with a dark, eagle look, proceeded to inspect us, reading from a paper as he came along, "Mr. Hepton, 6th Foot; commission bearing date 11th January; drilled, proceed to Ovar, and join his regiment. "Mr. Gronow, Fusilier Guards, remains with the depot. "Captain Mortimer, 1st Dragoons, appointed aide-de-camp to the general commanding the cavalry brigade. "Mr.

"So saying, Gronow formed his fellows in line and resumed his march quite coolly, leaving me alone on the roadside to meditate over martial law and my pernicious taste for relics. "Well, Charley, this gave me a great shock, and I think, too, it must have had a great effect upon Sir Arthur himself; but, upon my life, he has wonderful nerves.

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