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Augustus Buzzby gave them his warmest welcome and seated Uncle Joel in his deepest office chair, providing him at the same time with a pipe and some cut leaf. The Colonel was in his glory. With one arm thrown affectionately around young Googe's neck, he expatiated on the joy of the community as a whole in again welcoming its own.

"Gentlemen," he said to the manager and the Upper Quarry guest, his voice was thick with emotion and the tears of thankfulness were coursing down his cheeks, "perhaps no greater gift could be bestowed on my sixty-fifth birthday than Champney Googe's return to his home his mother his friends we are all his friends.

Aileen parried; she enjoyed a little bout with Champney Googe's aunt. "Of course, it's plain enough to see that they're the best of friends " "Friends!" Mrs.

Without waiting to finish her thought, she hurried to the door to call out to Dulcie, who was coming back over the bridge towards the house, running as fast as she could: "What's the matter, Dulcie?" "Oh, mother mother " the child panted, running up the road, "father wants you to come over to Mrs. Googe's right off, as quick as you can he says not to stop for anything "

She told herself again and again that she was idealizing that first feeling for him, instead of accepting the fact that, as a woman, she would be incapable, if the circumstances were to repeat themselves now, of experiencing it. Since that fateful night in The Gore, Champney Googe's name had never voluntarily passed her lips.

Moreover, Aileen came to know during these years of Champney Googe's absence that his mother worshipped in reality where she herself worshipped in imagination. Thus the ground was made ready for the seed.

A fruitful source of speculation was Champney Googe's long absence from home, already six years, and his prospects when he should have returned.

Emlie says, 'How is she? and father shook his head and said, 'It's her death blow, then I squeezed Luigi's hand to make him look at me, and I asked him what it was Mrs. Googe's was sick of, for I must go and tell mother and he looked at Mr. Emlie and he nodded and said, 'It's town talk already it's in the papers. And then Luigi told me that Mr.

I shall take the tram as usual at The Bow." They shook hands without further speech. In the deepening twilight Octavius watched him down the driveway. Despite his sixty years he walked with the elastic step of young manhood. "Unworthy unworthy!" was Champney Googe's cry, as he knelt before Aileen in an access of shame and contrition in the presence of such a revelation of woman's love.

This estate is the ancestral home of the Champneys, known as Champ-au-Haut, in the vernacular "Champo." At The Bow the highway turns suddenly, crosses a bridge over the Rothel and curves with the curving pine-fringed shores of the lake along the base of the mountain until it climbs the steep ascent that leads to Googe's Gore, the third division of the town of Flamsted.