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Will you not be reconciled to him?" he pleaded. "No." "But why?" He spoke very gently, almost in appeal. "Why?" she repeated tonelessly, her eyes still fixed on his face, "because he is hers Aurora Googe's " She paused for another effort. Her eyes turned at last to the portrait of Louis Champney on the wall at the foot of her bed.

Aileen's ways at times, especially during these last few years when Champney Googe's name happened to be mentioned in her presence, were irritating in the extreme to the faithful factotum at Champ-au-Haut. "I wish, Aileen, you'd get over your grudge against him " "What grudge?"

"Van Ostend," Champney suggested; "is that the name you want?" "That's him, Van Ostend; that's the one. He an' the rest was hevin' a meetin' right here in this office 'fore they went to the train, an' I was settin' outside the winder an' heerd one on 'em say: 'Thet Mis' Googe's a stunner; what's her son like, does any one know? An' I heerd Mr.

You have spoken frankly to me, and shown me this matter in a different light; I may speak as frankly to you, as to Mr. Googe's closest friends. The truth is, neither my daughter nor myself can appropriate this money to ourselves we both feel that it does not belong to us, in the circumstances. I should like you both to tell Mr.

"Well, we're off at last! I declare I miss Maggie every hour in the day. I don't know what I should have done all these years without that girl!" The mention of "Maggie" emphasizes one of the many changes in Flamsted during the six years of Champney Googe's absence. Mrs. Caukins, urged by her favorite, Aileen, and advised by Mrs.

For years, ever since the night of the serenade, her vivid imagination had been dwelling on Champney Googe's home-coming; for years he was the central figure in her day dreams, and every dream was made half a reality to her by means of the praises in his behalf which she heard sounded by each man, woman, and child in the ever-increasing circle of her friends.

Googe's funds the purchase money of the quarry lands had been withdrawn nine months previous; but this, they ascertained later, had been done with her full consent and knowledge. Romanzo was summoned with the Company's books to the New York office. The Colonel seemed to his friends to have aged ten years in seven days.

Googe during the past month of misery and shame and excitement, and previous to that she had avoided Champney Googe's mother on account of the humiliation her love for the son had suffered at that son's hands a humiliation which struck at the roots of all that was truest and purest in that womanhood, which was drying up the clear-welling spring of her buoyant temperament, her young enjoyment in life and living and all that life offers of best to youth offers once only.

You don't know the depth of her feeling for you but she has shown it by worshipping your mother." Champney Googe's eyes filled to overflowing, but he squeezed the springing drops between his eyelids, and asked with lively interest: "Why isn't Mrs. Caukins reconciled?" "Well, because I suppose it's no secret now, at least Mrs.

Then the two men stood silent, gazing into each other's eyes, while the firelight leaped and showed to each the other's face the priest's working with a powerful emotion he was struggling to control; Champney Googe's apparently calm, but in reality tense with anxiety. He spoke first: "I want to know about my mother is she well?"