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Warwick seemed glad of the interruption; he turned quickly "And how fares my child?" "Recovered from her strange swoon, and ready to smile at thy return. Oh, Warwick, thou art reconciled to the king?" "That glads thee, sister?" said the archbishop. "Surely. Is it not for my lord's honour?" "May he find it so!" said the prelate, and he left the room.

Goddesses I saw, and nymphs Graceful and beautiful, and harpers fine As Linus or as Orpheus; and more deities, All without veil or cloud, bright as the virgin Aurora, when she glads immortal eyes, And sows her beams and dew-drops, silver and gold.

It was in the dreary month of fog, misanthropy, and suicide the month during which Heaven receives a scantier tribute of gratitude from discontented man during which the sun rises, but shines not gives forth an unwilling light, but glads us not with his cheerful rays during which large tallow candles assist the merchant to calculate his gains or to philosophise over his losses in short, it was one evening in the month of November of the year 17 , that Edward Forster, who had served many years in his Majesty's navy, was seated in a snug arm-chair, in a snug parlour, in a snug cottage to which he had retired upon his half-pay, in consequence of a severe wound which had, for many years, healed but to break out again each succeeding spring.

'Ah! well; would get it all out of him by degrees. And with the reiteration of her 'so glads, and the repayment of the kiss Lucy had advanced, her ladyship advised her to get off her habit and make herself comfortable while she ran downstairs to communicate the astonishing intelligence to the party below.

VALIANT. Why, is this Christian's wife? GREAT-HEART. Yes, that it is; and these are also her four sons. VALIANT. What! and going on pilgrimage too? GREAT-HEART. Yes, verily; they are following after. VALIANT. It glads me at heart. Good man! how joyful will he be when he shall see them that would not go with him, yet to enter after him in at the gates into the City!

Her Majesty knows you have been put to great expense, and she wishes to make it up to you." "I am sure she is even ower gude," said Jeanie, "and it glads me muckle that I can pay back Dumbiedikes his siller, without distressing my father, honest man." "Dumbiedikes!

I took the bearings on the water myself from Glads Scaur to Mardykes Jetty, and from the George and Dragon sign down here down to the white house under Forrick Fells. I could fix a buoy over the very spot. Some one here told me the bearings, I'd take my oath, where the body was seen; and yet no boat could ever come up with it; and that was queer, you know, so I clapt it down in my log."

It was a comfort, too, to see Those dogs that from him ne'er would rove, And always eyed him reverently, With glances of depending love. They know not of the eminence Which marks him to my reasoning sense, They know but that he is a man, And still to them is kind, and glads them all he can

Mark, there may be on the eve of Lent in obedience to old usages, but the dancing that really glads the Italian heart is the dancing for which the forestiere pays the piper, and the true Lenten time is that when his beneficent presence is wanting. Venice, then, has already brought her Carnival to a conclusion; and it has been a splendid one.

"Weel, neibor Deans, ye ken best; but I maun say that, I am sure you are glad to see my bairn again the halt's gane now, unless he has to walk ower mony miles at a stretch; and he has a wee bit colour in his cheek, that glads my auld een to see it; and he has as decent a black coat as the minister; and " "I am very heartily glad he is weel and thriving," said Mr.