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At this time there was a great danger of a gas attack, and it was customary to have a bugler on duty in the front line to sound the alarm when gas was seen coming over a scheme which was scarcely likely to be efficacious, for in a few moments he would have been gassed himself.

Their officers and N.C.O.'s killed, they themselves, worn out by the exertions of the past 24 hours, half gassed by the chlorine which still hung about the shell holes, shot at by machine guns from every quarter, had been broken by bombing attacks from every trench they attacked and now, having thrown all their bombs, were coming back. The situation was critical, and Lieut.

Rilla was standing among the budding daffodils with tear-filled eyes. Her evening was spoiled; she detested Susan, who had somehow hurt Walter; and Jem had Jem been gassed? Had he died in torture? "I can't endure this suspense any longer," said Rilla desperately. But she endured it as the others did for another week. Then a letter came from Jem. He was all right.

Distressing you with all these wretched details. Please forgive me." She was looking at him wonderingly. "You are so different from the poor fellows I saw in New York," she said slowly. "I mean the men who had been gassed and shell-shocked. I saw loads of them in the hospitals, you know, and talked with them.

Shure, ma'am, in anny troublesome matter, two heads is better than one, even if one has been gassed!" Mrs. Kukor gone, Father Pat began to take thought of his own leaving. But first he set about cheering up his new, young friends, who were subdued, to say the least, this in spite of the refreshments. "Now, shure, and there's things about this place which could be far, far worse," he asserted.

Regularly, every four waking hours, he was led to the metal chair and gassed afresh with the V-27; and his expression remained pleasant; his eyes were always friendly. But the artificial state in which he was kept showed soon on his face. It lost its clearness and became a jaundiced yellow in color: and also it grew peaked and drawn. But the other faces around him were peaked and drawn, too.

We reported the gas to be chlorine, and the post mortems of gassed soldiers carried out by Major Rankin, blood tests by myself to exclude other possibilities, and evidence obtained elsewhere, all indicated that the gas employed had been chlorine. The New Zealand division which had come into our area, held the line in front of Armentieres.

"It's purty difficult to be both, you know, English and Yankee." "I'm American through and through, Mr. Vick, even though I did serve under the British flag till I was gassed and invalided out." "Affects the lungs, don't it?" inquired old Caleb. "I don't like to talk about it, Mr. Brown. I'm trying to forget what hell was like. I was in hospital for four months.

They streaked away in ignominious panic. Aten darted and circled above them and, as Tommy failed to fire, turned and went racing back toward the city. "After the first ones went down," observed Tommy, "they knew that if they gassed the city we'd shoot them down into their own gas cloud. So they ran away. I hope this gives us a pull." The city's towers loomed before them.

And then, so suddenly that it was like a burst of fire, Blake, Joe and Charles experienced a strange feeling! Some powerful odor overpowered them! Gasping and choking, they fell to the ground, dimly hearing Drew shouting: "Gassed! Gassed! Put on your masks!"