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"What's up?" he inquired, leaning over in the saddle and peering closely at her; "you look flustered. Where's Marston?" "Gone," she told him. He straightened. "Gone where?" he demanded. "Away forever," she said weakly. "He heard you were after him for for killing that man Sharp and he left." Toban cursed. "So he got wind of it, did he? The Taggarts must have gassed about it.

All the fellows who had been badly gassed had jumpy hearts. But how was he ever going to get any better lying there on his back? What he needed was exercise and decent food and something cheerful to think about. He wanted desperately to get away from his memories, to forget the horrors, the sickening sights and smells, the turmoil and confusion of the past two years.

There, indeed, one was likely to be shot, or blown to pieces, or buried, or gassed, and that was about all. But life now was like the Apostle Paul's; they were in journeyings often, in weariness often, in perils of waters, in perils by their own countrymen, in perils on the road, in the wilderness, in the sea, in hunger and thirst, in cold and nakedness.

I don't care to go up on the ground to get shot at by the fighting planes. At least now we have something over our heads and if we are going to get gassed or blown up we can't see it coming. At least " Just then the officer with whom I had talked the day before came up. He stopped before us and scowled at the soldier who saluted in hasty confusion.

I was placed on a cot and made as comfortable as possible under the circumstances and was awaiting a motor truck to take me to a base hospital. On all sides of me were other wounded and gassed boys. Some of them were exceedingly jolly and talkative, notwithstanding their pitiable condition. I remember one boy in particular, who was about my own age.

But we kept on going till some one ran out of the darkness shouting, "You cannot get past the railway, Fritzie has been throwing over gas shells and the gas is thick in the valley, all our artillery is gassed."

"I was mildly gassed by a lachrymous shell about two o'clock this morning, but nothing to signify." "Did your respirator work?" "I found that in the heat of the moment I had mislaid it." "What did you do?" "I climbed on to the parapet and sat there. It seemed the healthiest spot under the circumstance: anyhow, the air was pure. When I recovered I got down. What happened to 'A, Bobby?

The left flank sections of the 8th had been gassed when the Germans tried to get through between that battalion and ours. Some of their supports had come to their assistance and had driven the enemy back and reconstituted the line. They were supported by a remnant of the gallant 10th. In the early morning of Saturday this undaunted battalion had been withdrawn from St.

The damned Huns cut me to pieces.... Not much like I was when I used to call on Mel!" Iden lowered his shadowed face. After a moment he said: "No, you're changed, Lane.... I heard you were gassed, too." "Oh, everything came my way, Mr. Iden.... And the finish isn't far off." Iden shifted his legs uneasily, then sat more erect, and for the first time really looked at Lane.

More than a hundred Y. M. C. A. men gassed and wounded to date, and more than six killed. One friend of mine stepped down into his cellar one morning, got a full breath of gas, and was dead in two minutes. There had been a gas-raid the day before, and the gas had remained in the cellar.