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"It be nawbody," said John, "vor us to make a fush about. Belong to t'other zide o' the moor, and come staling shape to our zide. Red Jem Hannaford his name. Thank God for him to be hanged, lad; and good cess to his soul for craikin' zo."

"Weel, Muster Lumley," returned Dougall with a slight smile, "not to spoil your choke, sir, it wass thinkin' o' the fush I wass, an' wonderin' if they wass goot fush." "Big Otter says they are good," returned our chief, "and I think we may rely on his opinion.

"Iss it to fush, ye'll be wantin'?" asked Ian, as he ushered the party into his cottage, where Mrs Anderson was baking oat-cakes, and Aggy was busy knitting socks with her thin fingers as deftly and rapidly as if she had been in robust health. "Yes, that is our object to-day," said Mabberly. "Good-day, Mrs Anderson; good-day, Aggy.

Losh! but that dowager spanged up an' doun the waterside among the stanes aifter that game an' lively fush; an' troth, but she was as souple wi' her airms as wi' her legs; for, rinnin' an' loupin' an' spangin' as she was, she aye managed for tae keep her line ticht.

To make matters more exasperating, at that moment the rod began to bend and the reel to spin jerkily. "A fush!" exclaimed Donald. "Looks like it," returned his friend drily. "I better gee a yell an' wauken him," suggested Donald. "Ye'd better no'," said Junkie, shaking his fist. "Yonder iss the end o' yer bonnet stickin' oot o' his pooch, what-e-ver," said Donald.

"Fush!" returned the husband; "Allen is good for a dozen Indians, and there are plenty more of us to help him. But don't you be scared; the red-skins know us too well to risk a fight. They'll only prowl around and steal a little beef, and shoot at a fellar unaware, from under kiver that's all they'll venter on you can depend on that!"

Angus Macdonald discovered them thus occupied, and had difficulty in resisting his desire to pitch the lazy fellow into the river. "What wass you doin' there?" he cried. "Wass it wastin' your time wi' small fush you will pe doin', an' every wan else workin' hard? Go an' putt the ox in the cart an' haul watter. Look sharp!"

The porter came to him and said: "'Hae ye ony mind, Colonel, o' yon big fush ye slippit in the Tod Holes yon nicht? "'Oh, I mind him well, replied the Colonel; 'a good lump of a fish he was, I believe, but I never saw him rightly. "'Ay, said the other dryly; 'yon wad be the biggest sawmon that ever cam oot o' the water o' Tweed, I'm thinking.

It was a subdued spirit which emerged from the fraternal embrace. "Pit the fush in the basket, Tam," said he, "and syne gang away wide up the hill till I cry ye back." The tones implied that his younger brother was no fit company for two gentlemen and a lady. "I won't spoil your fishing," said Alice, fearing fratricidal strife. "You are fishing up, so I had better go down the burn again."

"An' the fush," interposed Teddy. "And the fish," assented Jack; "for all of which blessings we have cause to be thankful; but it's my opinion that you and I are a couple of egregious asses for having forsaken our kind and come to vegetate here in the wilderness." "That's just how it is, sur.