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She plucked 'em too clost, and they was around fryin' in the sun scand'lous; but I don't surmise as she knew no better." "In course not. Ye know Miss Lester's boardin' some folks 't Gov'ment sent down t' inspect the lighthouse. It's a young man, an' he brought his wife, an' after he'd finished his job they liked it so well they're jest stayin' on, cruisin' 'round an' playin' tricks on each other.

Among some of the groups of islands you might do so with safety, but if you tried it here you would find that you had jumped out of the fryin' pan into the fire." "How so, Bill?" said I, "would the natives not receive me?" "That they would, lad; but they would eat you too." "Eat me!" said I in surprise, "I thought the South Sea islanders never ate anybody except their enemies."

"In her mission class she has several children from the Italian quarter, and that's every bit as bad as this." "Here we are," remarked Pep, as they came to a narrow court. "Dis is my street. Da calls it de Fryin' Pan, 'cause one of de houses took fire last year and ten people were burnt up."

And he thought mebby I would set out under the slippery ellum makin' ginger cookies or fryin' nut-cakes, in either capacity he said I wuz a study for an artist and would draw crowds. "The wife of Josiah Allen fryin' nut-cakes, what a sound it would have through the world." "No, Josiah," sez I, "I shan't try to fry nut-cakes in a open lot without ingregients or fire."

"I'd have to keep this store open till half-past 'leven if I was dyin'," he grumbled. "But you ain't," said Bowers, cheerfully. Bowers smelled strongly of sheep, once the heat warmed his clothing. On the other side of the clerk the odor of smoke and bear grease emanated from the stranger. The clerk moved his chair back from the stove and advised the latter: "Your soles is fryin'."

We're aither freezin' or fryin' the year round. Hereupon, as reminded by the last-named experience, he threw down his hoe, and went to settle the smouldering fires in the fallow, where one or two isolated heaps of brush were slowly consuming, while their bluish smoke curled up lazily in the still air.

It ain't the coffee I can smell that, too. It's the whole house. It smells... well, it just smells good to me, that's all." He washed and dried himself at the sink, while she heated the frying pan on the front hole of the stove with the lid off. As he wiped his hands he watched her keenly, and cried out with approbation as she dropped the steak in the fryin pan.

'You'll 'ear my idea soon enough. Wyte till I pour some chain on my 'ot coppers. He drank a glass off, and affected to listen. ''Ark! said he, ''ear it fizz. Like 'am fryin', I declyre. 'Ave a glass, do, and look sociable. 'No! said the captain, with emphasis; 'no, I will not! there's business. 'You p'ys your money and you tykes your choice, my little man, returned Huish.

But Simmie and John Fryin' Pan scouted along behind and Simmie rode in ahead near town to tell me Laramie was comin'. God! He was a sight when he rode into this barn. He tumbled off his horse right there" McAlpin pointed to a spot where fresh straw had been sprinkled "just like a dead man. I helped carry him upstairs," he whispered. "I'll take y' to him.

Don't you know dat fried meat is de bes' kin' in de worl'? W'y, de las' fambly dat I lived wid dat uz ol' Jedge Johnson he said dat I beat anybody fryin' he evah seen; said I fried evahthing in sight, an' he said my fried food stayed by him longer than anything he evah e't. Even w'en he paid me off he said it was 'case he thought somebody else ought to have de benefit of my wunnerful powahs.