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As she searched the scraggly brush that surrounded her home, she grew more and more agitated. "You may be a pretty good hider," she bellowed. "But I'll get you in the end, you just wait and see!" She searched for a solid half hour before she decided that Graham was not to be found. "The little fruitcake must have run off in fear and horror," she determined.

One of the group of alleyites, with the inherent friendliness of the unchartered but big-hearted members of the silt of the stream of humans, had proffered to little Silvia a chip on which was a patch of mud designed to become a fruitcake stuffed with pebbles in lieu of raisins and frosted with moistened ashes.

"Well, sah," beamed Uncle Noah, "we has ham an' turkey, an' cranberry sauce an' celery, an' baked apples an' mince pie an' fruitcake an' an' laws-a-massy, Massa, I'se too kerflusterated to ricomember any mo'." "We'll have them all!" cried the Colonel. A terrific gobbling arose beneath the dining-room window, and the Major rose and stared out in astonishment.

Again the old man smiled, and, bowing his head, allowed the youth to regain his partner. When the set broke up it was to assemble round the fruitcake, which was cut up by Chester in broad, liberal slices, and then, after another dance, and a plaintive song from the widow, Chester's birth-day party broke up, leaving him alone with the family.

"Yes, missy, it's clean; but maybe 'taint suffishently clean, I'll wash it agin." "How many kinds of cake shall we make?" asked Elsie. "Every kind that Chloe and Aunt Viney can think of and know how to make well. Let me see delicate cake, gold, silver and clove, fruitcake, sponge, and what else?" "Mammy makes delicious jumbles." "Will you make us some, Aunt Chloe?"

You is jest like her as two peas in the pod and I reckin I'll have to take a stick to you like I did to yo' father when he was most growed up and stole all the fruitcake I had done baked in July fer Christmas," she said with a wide smile of great affection upon her very large mouth. "I beg that you put under a key that cake, beloved Madam Kizzie," I made answer to her with also a laugh.

"Of course we will won't we?" she asked, turning prettily to the doctor. "Just as you say," he answered gallantly. Louisa snorted. "I'll go home and air the parlour," she said. "It's lucky I baked that fruitcake Monday. You can come when you're ready." She stalked home across the field.

Harry, who had been stuffing fruitcake on the sofa sweets were his weakness rose suddenly and came over to the group. "If you are ever as beautiful as she is now, you may thank your stars, Miss Yellow Frisk!" he remarked crushingly.

Everywhere were candies from all over the world, and fruitcake from London, and marrons and sticky candied fruit, and everywhere unobtrusive maids were silently offering trays covered with small glasses. Susan was frankly sick when the new year began, and Emily had several heart and nerve attacks, and was very difficult to amuse.

The "fruitcake" developed into pressed dark meat of chicken, with an icing of pressed and glazed white meat of the same fowl. Following this came the second service of tea, this time in cups of a rare yellow color and beautiful design, with similar teapot. The next course was a mixture of immature vegetables, served in a sort of saute.