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Updated: August 19, 2024

He ought to have a lot of money in the pockets of those extra-special bags. We MUST have dinner, anyway. They drew lots with little bits of bracken. It fell to jane's lot to waken the grown-up Lamb. She did it gently by tickling his nose with a twig of wild honeysuckle. He said 'Bother the flies! twice, and then opened his eyes. 'Hullo, kiddies! he said in a languid tone, 'still here?

Half-way along this dim alley he paused, and seating himself upon a dim step, fell to mopping his brow. "A extra-special capital place, this, sir!" said he. "Bankside's good enough for a capital job, but this is better, ah, a sight better! Many a unfort'nate wictim has been made a corp' of, hereabouts, sir!"

While we were there the extra-special edition of the STAFFORDSHIRE SIGNAL, affectionately termed 'the local rag' by its readers, arrived, and we watched a newsboy affix its poster to a board. The poster ran thus

It pained him to the quick that his customers should be drinking without him. "That's what hurts worst of all," he would say: "that I cannot drink my Extra-Special any more. I can put up with everything else, but going without drink is the very deuce." Then his wife's screech-owl face would appear at the window, and she would break in with the words: "Look at him!

Extra-special, please." He disappeared over the hedge as lightly as he had come. There was a murmur of women's voices in the deep lane. "Oh, you Prooshan brute!" said McTurk as the voices died away. "Stalky, it's all your silly fault." "Kill him! Kill him!" gasped Beetle. "I ca-an't. I'm going to cat again... I don't mind that, but King'll gloat over us horrid. Extra-special, ooh!"

Weigall's Akhnaton, Pharaoh of Egypt. The next day Freddy announced at breakfast, which was a typically English meal except for the excellence of the coffee that there was to be a very extra-special ball the next night at the Cataract Hotel at Assuan. "Would you like to go to it, Meg?" he asked. "I think you'd enjoy it I can guarantee you plenty of partners."

For the last twenty years he had served the whole countryside with his Extra-Special and his "Burnt-Brandy," for whenever he was asked: "What shall I drink, Toine?" he invariably answered: "A burnt-brandy, my son-in-law; that warms the inside and clears the head there's nothing better for your body." He called everyone his son-in-law, though he had no daughter, either married or to be married.

And werry vell you're a-doing vith it, for both of us." "I do my best, Jarsper." "V'ich couldn't be bettered, Dick. Then look how you 'elp me vith my cases." "Do I, Jarsper?" said the Corporal, his blue eyes shining. "That you do, Dick. And now I've got another case as I'm a-vaiting for, a extra-special Capital case it is too!" "Another murder, Jarsper?"

"Ah," he said, fingering his mustache. "Very good. I might have guessed who it was. You will go back to the College and give my compliments to Mr. King and ask him to give you an extra-special licking. You will then do me five hundred lines. I shall be back to-morrow. Five hundred lines by five o'clock to-morrow. You are also gated for a week. This is not exactly the time for breaking bounds.

For the last twenty years he had served the whole countryside with his Extra-Special and his "Burnt-Brandy," for whenever he was asked: "What shall I drink, Toine?" he invariably answered: "A burnt-brandy, my son-in-law; that warms the inside and clears the head there's nothing better for your body." He called everyone his son-in-law, though he had no daughter, either married or to be married.

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