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It doesn't make any difference to a dog if his master is a worthless scamp." "Wal, I reckon most of them hounds I bought had no good masters, judgin' from the way they act," replied the rancher. "I'm developin' a first-rate pack," said Wade. "Jim hasn't any faults exceptin' he doesn't bay enough.

'Twus sep'rated into two halves as ef 't had been clove wi' a broad-axe! Ef 'ee had 'a seed the varmint when he kim to the ground, 'ee'd 'a thort he wur double-headed. Jest then I spied the Injuns a-comin' down both sides o' the bluff; an' havin' neyther beast nor weepun, exceptin' a knife, this child tuk a notion 'twa'n't safe to be thur any longer, an' cached; he did."

He don't know nobody exceptin' the prison authorities knows that I was shipped off aboard the Magdalena; so all I've got to do is to get ashore and make my way to his hut, tellin' him that I've escaped from prison which God knows is the truth, and he'll hide me as long as I like to stay with him, and tell me all the news into the bargain."

"Yo' see, I was not o' much account wi' 'em all exceptin' to 'Liza Roantree, and I had a deal o' time settin' quiet at meetings and horotorio practices to hearken their talk, and if it were strange to me at beginnin', it got stranger still at after, when I was shut on it, and could study what it meaned. "Just after th' horotorios come off, 'Liza, as had allus been weakly like, was took very bad.

Every thing is artificial; every thing of its kind alike; and every thing oninterestin' and tiresome. "Well, if London is dull, in the way of West Eend people, the country, I guess, is a little mucher. Life in the country is different, of course, from life in town; but still life itself is alike there, exceptin' again class difference.

"Bless you, sir, Miss is gone out to tea don't say nothing I don't begrudge the poor young lady a bit of a holiday," whispered the frightened landlady under her breath; "but I can't never give in to it again. Their mamma never takes a bit of notice exceptin' when they're found fault with. Lord! to think how blind some folks is when it's their own.

I may hold up my head as well as another. A why not? When so be as a man has no money, why then, a savin and exceptin your onnur's reverence, a's but a poor dog. But when so be as a man as a got the rhino, why then a may begin to hold up his head. A why not? Always a savin and exceptin your noble onnur, as aforesaid.

Every thing is artificial; every thing of its kind alike; and every thing oninterestin' and tiresome. "Well, if London is dull, in the way of West Eend people, the country, I guess, is a little mucher. Life in the country is different, of course, from life in town; but still life itself is alike there, exceptin' again class difference.

And at the railroad station they were met by Jack Ness, the Rovers' hired man, who had driven over with the carryall to take them home. "Glad to see you all looking so well," grinned the hired man. "Getting fat as butter, Master Tom." "Thanks, Jack, I'm feeling fine. Any news?" "No, sir, none exceptin' that your uncle has had a row with Joel Fox, who has the farm next to ours."

He pointed at Henry Holmes with his thumb. "Sech as his." "Yes," said Josiah Nummler, "we have sech le-gends, comin' mostly from the Indians and Henery Holmes. But there's one I got from my pap when I was a boy, and I allus thought it one of the most be-yutiful fairy stories I ever heard of course exceptin' them in the Bible.