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"Well, you've no occasion to laugh, lad," returned the seaman. "I've bin at sea ever since I was a small shaver, scarce half as long as a handspike, so I ain't had many opportunities, d'ee see, for we don't have cavalry at sea, as a rule always exceptin' the horse marines. "Then I'm afraid you'll find runnin' the buffalo somewhat difficult," returned the boy.

"Exceptin' maybe a little stain," explained Janet to Teddy; "and Nora can get that out in the wash." After they had sat in the shade for a while, in the green, grassy place, Ted and Janet wandered off among the trees, leaving Trouble by himself. But they were not going far. "He'll be all right for a little while," said Teddy, "and maybe we can find some sassafras or wintergreen."

There's bin an onusual swarmin' o' rats in the ship of late, an' Davie Summers has had a riglar hunt after them. The lad has becum more than ornar expert with his bow an' arrow, for he niver misses now exceptin', always, when he dusn't hit an' for the most part takes them on the pint on the snowt with his blunt-heded arow, which he drives in the snowt, not the arow.

There's bin an onusual swarmin' o' rats in the ship of late, an' Davie Summers has had a riglar hunt after them. The lad has becum more than ornar expert with his bow an' arrow, for he niver misses now exceptin' always, when he dusn't hit an' for the most part takes them on the pint on the snowt with his blunt-heded arow, which he drives in the snowt, not the arow.

"High, you're the best I ever stacked up against, exceptin' one, and it's right curious that he is just a-ridin' into this powwow. If you want to see what real shootin' is, get him to show you." "I don't know your friend," said High, eyeing the approaching horsemen, "but he's a beaut if he can outshoot you." "Outshoot me?

I own that it took self-control not to do it, but I'd learned my lesson from havin' been married twicet before an' never havin' fit any to speak of. I had to take my pleasure from seein' him eat a bowl of rice that had a whole chicken in it, exceptin' only the bones and fibres of its mortal frame, an' a-lappin' up mebbe a pint of tomato soup that was founded on eight nice pork chops.

But he's got two of 'em, an' they can stand up, an' lay down, real natural-like, accordin' to taste the dog's taste, which wouldn't be noways remarkable, if it was his tongue, but is what I call extraordinary, seein' it's his ears. An' his tail's the same, exceptin' it has even more education still. It can wag, besides standin' up an' layin' down.

Look out you don't get a cactus spine in your foot, though, for I hain't got anything to take it out with exceptin' the pick," she smiled in the limp depths of her sunbonnet, "an' I won't have that when I come back."

"Connor, I'm in great spirits all out, exceptin' for something that I forget, that that li lies heavy upon me. That I mayn't sin, but I am I am, indeed for now that we've cotch him, we'll hang the villain up. Ha, ha, ha, it's a pleasant sight to see sich a fellow danglin' from a rope!" "Father, sit down here, sit down here upon this bad and comfortless bed, and keep yourself quiet for a little.

Rosenfeld, who was occasionally flowery, "sittin' up as straight as this washboard, and his silk hat shinin' in the sun; but exceptin' the car, which was workin' hard and gettin' nowhere, the whole outfit in the arms of Morpheus." Mrs. Lorenz, whose day it was to have Mrs. Rosenfeld, and who was unfamiliar with mythology, gasped at the last word. "Mercy!" she said.