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Updated: August 2, 2024

You gave your word to stop your teachings; you have been caught in the act. Frankly, I rather thought you would do it; that is why I am here to-night. I want to deal with you personally." He paused for breath, and then went on, still ignoring the student, "Ernol, you know what I want. I want those photographs; and what is more, I am going to have them.

Say, Reblong; no offense, but I think we are fools to put up with what we are given!" Smith's man complacently seated himself in front of the instruments. "Personally, I think we are mighty lucky, instead of foolish." "Lucky!" The other man snorted. "I wish Ernol could hear you say that! He'd have a fit!" Reblong was not at all disturbed. "By the way, what's become of the chap?

"We must never forget," continued the man on the platform, "that, but for the explorations of this man and his space-boat, some eighty years ago, we should know very little. Can any one tell me why his explorations have never been repeated?" Two hands went up. The professor nodded to a girl seated next to the young fellow whom the doctor now knew as "Ernol."

"We must keep a close watch upon Calastia, and allow no one to leave its borders. As for Ernol, I have concluded that the best thing will be turn him loose!" They looked at him in consternation.

At that instant young Ernol lifted his head with a jerk. "How do we know," he demanded, "that these photographs were not very cunningly selected to give us a wrong idea? Perhaps they lie, professor!" Instantly consternation reigned. The professor fairly froze in his tracks, while every eye in the room was turned in amazement upon the lad. "What!" exclaimed the speaker sternly.

And for a while he was mainly interested in the remarkably clear photography, the natural coloring and stereoscopic effect that the doctor had already noted through young Ernol. Smith nearly overlooked the really fine music, all coming from a talking machine of some kind. And then the picture came to an end, and a farce-comedy began.

On the other were four men with small boxlike devices, such as Billie had already seen in the hands of Powart's guards, and which were kept trained threateningly upon the crowd. On the platform stood Ernol, now quite helpless in the grasp of two stalwart fellows. The mob from the door poured in. Immediately they made captors of all the workers, who had precious little to say.

Fort has called at the prison, and is being introduced to young Ernol. He " "I've been talking with your father," Fort was saying to the son. The guard had left them alone in the cell. "But he isn't interested in my ideas. He seems to think he's done all that needs to be done in getting himself imprisoned." The boy nodded. "He considers himself a martyr, Mr.

Even as Mona watched the gap increased until almost a mile separated the two great worlds. "Do you see?" cried Fort, fairly squirming in his seat. "Do you see what I've done, Mona?" "I've taken Ernol and his friends the bunch I rescued from the prison and put them to work. Put them to work digging a tunnel! We've been flying above that tunnel just now.

Whereupon he proceeded to outline a scheme such as would look utterly incredible in the mere planning. Perhaps it is best to relate the thing as it happened, instead. Two nights after Fort's call on Ernol, Fort again presented himself to Reblong. This time it was at the engineer's apartments. "I was hoping to find you about to go on duty. I've been wondering how your engines control the steering."

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