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Updated: August 18, 2024

He made his way through them, resisting without difficulty the entreaties of a hoarse gentleman in a check suit to have three to two on 'Enery something for the hundred yards, and came at last to the dressing-tent. At this point it occurred to him that it would be judicious to find out when his race was to start.

"A Roman bath, sir, in a little street off the Strand, sir? No, sir, thank you, sir, my word, sir, the Italians never take baths, sir." "They used to take them, 'Enery, and my guide-book says that there is one of theirs to this day in Strand Lane."

It do seem to me this world is a better place for containin' of her; an' a man ought to be 'appy, dear 'Enery, when you can call 'er mine " "That don't seem right to me some'ow," commented Tilda. Sam scratched his head. "What's wrong with it?" "'Pears to me it ought to be 'yours' 'When you can call her yours." "I don't like that neither, not altogether.

"They was, Jarsper, they was oncommon!" quoth the smaller man hoarsely. "'Enery, 'old your tongue! Now, sir, am I right or am I not?" "We were both very naturally shocked," said I. "Vich feelin's, sir, does you both credit oceans.

But if any of you blokes wants to be the stiff, stand up w'ere this guy lit the gas." There weren't any takers, and a moment later another bullet struck a sandbag in the same spot. "See? 'E spotted you. 'E'll keep a-pottin' away at that place for an hour, 'opin' to catch you lookin' over again. Less see if we can find 'im. Give us that biscuit tin, 'Enery."

"And I only 'opes," said Robinson, "they sticks that notice up in front of some of the Taffy regiments." "I don't see that a bit," said 'Enery Irving. "The Taffys out 'ere 'ave done their bit along with the best, and they're just as mad as us, and maybe madder, at these ha'penny-grabbing loafers on strike."

There was nothing ghostly about him. I never see a man look more as if he had backed the winner. "Why, it's 'Enery," he says; and he gives me a slap on the back, as knocks the life into me again. "I heard you was dead," I says, still staring at her. "I read it in the paper 'death of the Marchioness of Appleford." "That's all right," she says.

"Oh, you good, good boy! . . . Yes, dear lads," went on Link Andrew, in a mimicking voice, "it is indeed the meet-your-flag of our 'oly Motherland, and 'Erbert 'Enery Bates, our Good Conduck Medallist, will now oblige by going down on his knees and kissing it. Else I'll put an eye on him!" Master Bates "Good Conduct Bates" stepped forward, with his fists up.

'Enery Irving got the Cross of the Legion of Honor. But I doubt if it ever gave him such pure and legitimate joy as did a notice stuck up in the German trench next day. Certainly it insulted the English by stating that their workers stayed at home and went on strike while Frenchmen fought and died. But it was headed "Frenchman!" and it was written in French.

She must 'ave come from Flint House, now I coome to think of it. 'What young woman was that? asked 'Enery Waitts. So I told them what had happened to me, just like I've told it to you. Mrs. Keegan, the land-lady, who was list'ning, says, 'I shouldn't be surprised if it was Mr. Turold's daughter that you saw.

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