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Updated: August 2, 2024

Two months after Smoke Bellew and Shorty went after moose for a grub-stake, they were back in the Elkhorn saloon at Dawson. The hunting was done, the meat hauled in and sold for two dollars and a half a pound, and between them they possessed three thousand dollars in gold dust and a good team of dogs. They had played in luck.

"Tut, tut! no niggers in Ireland," said he, shaking his head with an expression between a caution and a threat. Not more than two hours after the tragedy at the Elkhorn hotel, of which he was the indirect cause, Calvin Morgan appeared at Judge Thayer's little office. The judge had finished his preparation for the cattle thief's case, and now sat ruminating it over his cob pipe.

Those men inform that they passed thro a open Plain all the way to the Town a feiw Trees excepted on the watercourses- they Cross the papillion or the Butterfly Creek within a feiw miles of Camp and near the Village a handsm. river of 100 yards Wide Called the Corne de chearf or the Elkhorn, which mouths below the Town in the Plate N. Side.

You can tell your friend I'm stopping at the Elkhorn hotel, if he don't know it already." Morgan moved away from the bar as if to leave the place. They bunched in front of him to bar his passage, one laying hold of his arm.

One August night they arrived at Bryant's Station, surrounded it, and prepared to dash upon the unsuspecting people the moment the gates should be opened the following morning. The fort at Bryant's Station was for the protection of forty cabins placed in parallel lines upon a little hill on the bank of the Elkhorn River.

"Makes me feel like I'd killed somebody, or had smallpox, the way they watch me an' seem afraid to speak," Shorty confessed, when he chanced to meet Smoke in front of the Elkhorn. "Look at Bill Saltman there acrost the way just dyin' to look, an' keepin' his eyes down the street all the time. Wouldn't think he'd knowed you an' me existed, to look at him.

Tom Conboy, proprietor of the Elkhorn, as the hotel was called, grunted in discount of this anxiety as he turned his shifty eyes to the stranger, flicking them on and off like a fly. He saw the coins dropped by the cowboy, picked them up, put them in his pocket, face red from what evidently was unaccustomed effort as he straightened his back.

I've been writing him about this outfit. This job is cut out for Bucky, and we've got to get him on it." "And what are you going to do?" "I can't do much I'm not armed. First time I've been caught that way since I've been sheriff. Came out to-day for a picnic and left my gun at home. But if they're the Roaring Fork outfit, they'll pass through the Elkhorn Cañon, heading for Dead Man's Cache.

At Premont I bid farewell to the Platte which turns south and joins the Missouri River at Plattsmouth and follow the old military road through the Elkhorn Valley to Omaha.

"You'd be a fine captain without a gun," retorted Larry, and in high spirits they remounted. For a time the boys had the moon for company, but toward, midnight clouds gathered in the sky and a chilly wind began to blow. "How about pitching camp pretty soon?" suggested Larry. "Wait till we get to Elkhorn River," answered Horace". "How far is that?

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