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During the year appointments were established at Aztalan, Whitewater, Meacham's Prairie, East Troy, Spring Prairie, Elkhorn, Burlington, Round Prairie, Menomonee, Prairieville, Oconomowoc, and Watertown, and at several of them classes were formed.

Get Swain to swing around to the south and comb the lower gulches of the Roaring Fork. Tell him to get in touch with me soon as he can. I'll come through by Elkhorn." Lee helped his daughter into the machine, and took his place beside her. "Hit the high spots, Jim.

As I passed out into the open I could see that General Asboth, who had been brought there by General Curtis, was forming to attack at the Elkhorn Tavern again; and I met General Curtis, who seemed astonished to find me with my force intact. He asked me where I was going. I told him that I was out of ammunition, and that I was bringing out my force to form it on the new line.

Paying the command a high compliment, he immediately ordered me to fix bayonets and to charge on the enemy at the same time that Asboth with his reinforcement moved down the Fayetteville road towards the Elkhorn Tavern. I immediately did this, and passed right back over the field where I had been fighting, but found no enemy.

The picket posted at Elkhorn tavern, where Carr was to deploy, was attacked and driven back, and Carr's division had to go into line under fire. Osterhaus found himself opposed to the corps of McCulloch and McIntosh, and was about being overwhelmed when Davis' division moved to his support.

Our left was drawn in to re-enforce Colonel Carr, but the movement was not completed until long after dark. Thus night came. The rebels were in full possession of our communications. We had repulsed them on the left, but lost ground, guns, and men on our front. The Rebels were holding Elkhorn Tavern, which we had made great effort to defend.

"They also tame easy and make affectionate pets. Ralph Waldo Gusted, over on Elkhorn, that traps 'em in winter to make First-Quality Labrador Sealskin cloaks his children got two in the house they play with like kittens; and he says himself the skunk has been talked about in a loose and unthinking way.

After the first year I built on the Elkhorn ranch a long, low ranch house of hewn logs, with a veranda, and with, in addition to the other rooms, a bedroom for myself, and a sitting-room with a big fire-place. I got out a rocking-chair I am very fond of rocking-chairs and enough books to fill two or three shelves, and a rubber bathtub so that I could get a bath.

Scalping Wounded Men. Death of General McCulloch. The Fighting at Elkhorn Tavern. Close of a Gloomy Day. An Unpleasant Night. Vocal Sounds from a Mule's Throat. Sleeping under Disadvantages. A Favorable Morning. The Opposing Lines of Battle. A Severe Cannonade. The Forest on Fire. Wounded Men in the Flames. The Rebels in Retreat. Movements of our Army. A Journey to St. Louis.

A flaming aurora borealis lighted the scene, and, thus hugely escorted, he walked down to town and entered the Elkhorn. The place was immediately packed and jammed by an anxious and irritated multitude that bought drinks, and for four weary hours watched Smoke play cribbage with his old friend Breck.