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"For that matter, Earnscliff," answered the freebooter, "I can answer to them that has better right to ask me than you have; but if you come with an armed force, and take her awa' from them that her friends lodged her wi', how will you answer THAT But it's your ain affair Nae single man can keep a tower against twenty A' the men o' the Mearns downa do mair than they dow."

Queen Caroline, God bless her! is a woman at least I judge sae, and it's nae treason to speak my mind sae far and ye maybe ken as weel as I do, for ye hae a housekeeper, though ye arena a married man, that women are wilfu', and downa bide a slight. And it will sound ill in her ears, that sic a confused mistake suld come to pass, and naebody sae muckle as to be put into the Tolbooth about it."

Queen Caroline, God bless her! is a woman at least I judge sae, and it's nae treason to speak my mind sae far and ye maybe ken as weel as I do, for ye hae a housekeeper, though ye arena a married man, that women are wilfu', and downa bide a slight. And it will sound ill in her ears, that sic a confused mistake suld come to pass, and naebody sae muckle as to be put into the Tolbooth about it."

It's unco convenient, ye see yoursell, to hae a hiding-hole o' ane's ain; and though I be out o' the line o' needing ane e'en now, and trust in the power o' grace that I'll neer do onything to need ane again, yet naebody kens what temptation ane may be gien ower to and, to be brief, I downa bide the thought of anybody kennin about the place; they say, keep a thing seven year, an' yell aye find a use for't and maybe I may need the cove, either for mysell, or for some ither body."

"There was the lawsuit to be ended," said Jenny readily, "forby many other family arrangements." "Na, but," said Cuddie, "there was another reason forby; for the young leddy " "Whisht, hand your tongue, and sup your sowens," said his wife; "I see the gentleman's far frae weel, and downa eat our coarse supper. I wad kill him a chicken in an instant."

"For my own satisfaction solely," replied the Antiquary. "Put up your pocket-book and your keelyvine pen then, for I downa speak out an ye hae writing materials in your hands they're a scaur to unlearned folk like me Od, ane o' the clerks in the neist room will clink down, in black and white, as muckle as wad hang a man, before ane kens what he's saying."

I made various inquiries of my friend Mr. Jarvie respecting the names and positions of these remarkable mountains; but it was a subject on which he had no information, or did not choose to be communicative. "They're the Hieland hills the Hieland hills Ye'll see and hear eneugh about them before ye see Glasgow Cross again I downa look at them I never see them but they gar me grew.

Whiles she'll no speak a word in a week, unless it be to the bits o' bairns." "Hegh, Mrs. Mucklebackit, she's an awsome wife!" said Jenny in reply. "D'ye think she's a'thegither right? Folk say she downa gang to the kirk, or speak to the minister, and that she was ance a papist but since her gudeman's been dead, naebody kens what she is. D'ye think yoursell that she's no uncanny?"

"The bogle! the bogle! what if it should come out upon us? I downa forgather wi' thae things twice in the four-and-twenty hours." "Pooh! pooh!" I exclaimed, breaking away from him, "fear nothing from the next world the earth contains living fiends, who can act for themselves without assistance, were the whole host that fell with Lucifer to return to aid and abet them."

Jarvie took the money in silence, and weighing it in his hand for an instant, laid it on the table, and replied, "Rob, I canna tak it I downa intromit with it there can nae gude come o't I hae seen ower weel the day what sort of a gate your gowd is made in ill-got gear ne'er prospered; and, to be plain wi' you, I winna meddle wi't it looks as there might be bluid on't."