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She was, in spite of herself, slightly angry. Being quite ready to leave the train, she sat down to wait for the station. Siegmund was aware that she was displeased, and again, for the first time, he said to himself, 'Ah, well, it must be so. She looked at him. He was sad, therefore she softened instantly. 'At least, she said doubtfully, 'I shall see you at the station.

"But if I could set Pentaur on a throne, as master of the world, he would still be greater and better than I." "But your father?" asked Nefert doubtfully. "He is my friend, he will listen to me and understand me. He shall know everything when I see him; I know his noble and loving heart."

"I quite understand, my lord," the man said humbly, "and for this your Excellency has promised me?" "Five hundred roubles and your freedom." "But when am I to be paid?" the man said doubtfully. "Do you doubt my word, slave?" the horseman said angrily. "By no means, your Excellency.

"Going to do a little banditing on our own hook," put in O'Grady, cheerfully. "Shut up, Matt! We'll send you over some supper, Pachuca, and some bedding by and by," and locking the door behind them, the two men went downstairs. "You think he can't slide out?" suggested Matt, doubtfully. "He's a crafty devil."

But there came into his life a brilliant woman who stayed a year and left his name a mockery: Malcourt's only sister, now Lady Tressilvain, doubtfully conspicuous with her loutish British husband, among those continentals where titles serve rather to obscure than enlighten inquiry.

"Where is father?" asked Warren doubtfully, when Evelyn seemed assured that he was real, and that she actually had Elinor back again. "Out with the Princess," said Evelyn. Then for the first time she noticed that the Princess was gone, and the door shut, and they were alone. "Warren, you must be very good to father," said Evelyn gently. "He has suffered more than I ever knew anyone could.

The four talked as the two packed up. One of them suddenly looked sharply at Nelia: "You dropping down alone?" She hesitated, and then laughed: "Yes." "It's none of my business," the man said, doubtfully, "but it's a mean old river, some ways. A lady alone might get into trouble. River pirates, you know." It was a challenge.

This scarcely tallies with what we know of the manners of the freebooters, and Exquemelin's evidence is probably nearer the truth. When Morgan returned to Jamaica Modyford at first received him somewhat doubtfully, for Morgan's commission, as the Governor told him, was only against ships, and the Governor was not at all sure how the exploit would be taken in England.

He was touched and troubled. Some minutes later he said doubtfully, "Then you'll carry through your purpose of not letting Pierre know you?" "Yes. I've made up my mind to that. That's what I've got to do. He mustn't find me. We can't meet here in this life. That's certain. There are things that come between, things like bars."

It was distinctly a shred of charred muslin embroidery. Lenora pointed towards it triumphantly. "Isn't that evidence?" she demanded. "Let's ring up Inspector French!" Laura shook her head doubtfully. "Not so fast," she advised. "French is a good sort in his way, but he's prejudiced just now against the boss. I'm not sure that this evidence would go far by itself."