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The street was full of coaches. Pompous doormen in immense coats, shiny brass belts and buttons, waited in front of expensive salesrooms. Coachmen in tan boots, white tights, and blue jackets waited obsequiously for the mistresses of carriages who were shopping inside. The whole street bore the flavor of riches and show, and Carrie felt that she was not of it.

A few minutes later he was on the lower floor. He had a short conversation with the two doormen; then he proceeded to the telephone and called up the Universal. The result was startling. Asked if the name of Rupert Henry Travis, Hertfordshire, England, was on their register, the answer was yes. "The date of his arrival?" "Early this morning." "Any other arrivals to-day from the other side?"

But there were the same old diamonds and pearls, the same old canvases, the same old photographs, the same old antiques, the same old frocks and shoes and men's shirtings, the same old Persian rugs and Japanese ware, the same cold, hard plates and china, the very same old hats and dinks and dressing-gowns and cut flowers and clubs, and all the same doormen in the uniforms that are a cross between those of admirals and generals, the men whose only exercise during the whole of the year is obtained by cutting ice and sweeping snow from just their particular patch of pavement.

The police force on duty in the city, consists of one super intendent, four inspectors, thirty-four captains, one hundred and thirty-one sergeants, one thousand eight hundred and six patrolmen, sixty-nine doormen, and fifty special policemen, making a total of two thousand and ninety-five officers and men.

"I heard it oh, well, I got it from one of the footmen of the apartment house " "Footmen! What do you mean?" "You know there's a lot of employees porters, rubbish men, doormen, hallmen, pages and Lord knows what! I lump 'em all under the title of footmen. Anyway, one of those persons told me for a consideration a lot about the private affairs of the tenants. You know, Mr.

Those nearest the catastrophe stepped back others pushed forward and an ambulance, ready for such a possible occasion, hurried the wounded man to the hospital. For Hanlon was not killed, but so crushed and broken that his life was but a matter of hours perhaps moments. "Let me in I must see him!" Fibsy fought the doormen, the attendants, the nurses. "I tell you I must!

Brandon returned, as requested, her costume enlivened this time by a red-silk petticoat which contrived to show its ingratiating flounces beneath the glistening black broadcloth of her skirt. "Say, did you get on to that?" observed one of the doormen, a hold-over from the previous regime, to another of the same vintage. "Some style to the new administration, hey? We're not so slow, do you think?"

She had even laughed and quickened and responded to Geisha McCoy's manipulation of her audience, just as you have. Martha Foote knew the value of the personal note, and it had been her idea that had resulted in the rule which obliged elevator boys, chambermaids, floor clerks, doormen and waiters if possible, to learn the names of Senate Hotel guests, no matter how brief their stay.

Teddy waited until he had worked around to the entrance to the menagerie tent when he suddenly darted through, leaving his work and the ring, a most serious breach of discipline. Teddy, however, did not care. He was willing to be fined. He bolted through the main entrance like a miniature tornado, to the amazement of the door tenders. "Where's Phil?" he shouted. One of the doormen pointed to Mr.

"If you'd think a minute, you would realize that we don't charter doormen to welcome people, but to keep them out." She turned to Lewis. "But not you, boy. You may come any time except between nine and ten. That's when I have my bath. What's your name? I can't call you boy forever." "Lewis." "Well, Lew, you may call me H lne, like your father. It'll make me feel even younger than I am."