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The adventure of Fiordispina with Ricciardetto would have branded an English serving-wench as a harlot; the behaviour of Roger towards the lady he has just rescued from the sea-monster would have blushingly been attributed by Spenser to one of his satyrs; but these were escapades quite within Ariosto's notions of what was permitted to a gentil cavaliero and a nobil donzella; and if Fiordispina and Roger are not like Florimell and Sir Calidore, still less do they in the faintest degree resemble Tourneur and Marston's Levidulcias and Isabellas and Lussuriosos.

The old man gazed upon the ravishing beauty of the young girl in speechless admiration. Mary's lovely features were illumined by an enchanting smile which moved the old man's heart; her large blue eyes were fixed upon him with so soft and supplicating an expression that the Signor Deodati, extending his hand, murmured: "E la graziosa donzella!"

Ferrari laughed again, but this time uneasily, and ceasing his monkeyish pranks, walked to the window. Smoothing Stella's tumbled hair, I added with a sarcastic smile: "This little donzella, will have her revenge when she grows up. Recollecting how one man teased her in childhood, she, in return, will consider herself justified in teasing all men. Do you not agree with me, madame?"

If ye can do for us, we will dance for you anything that ye may desire the 'Queen's Own Measure, 'La Donzella, the new 'Allemand' of my Lord Pembroke, a pavone or a tinternell, or the 'Galliard of Savoy. Which doth it please you, mistresses?" and he bowed to the huddling young women, who scarcely knew what to make of it. "La! Joan," whispered one, "he calleth thee 'mistress'! Speak up, wench."

The heart of the gentle donzella, says the ancient chronicler, was kind and yielding; and had Pelayo thought fit to ask the greatest boon that love and beauty could bestow doubtless meaning her fair hand she could not have had the cruelty to say him nay.

Santa Maria! there is no room on the Canal Grande for the gondolas that come to the palazzo from every casa in the 'Libro d'Oro' to win the favor of the donna nobile of the Giustiniani, for some bella donzella who shall be chosen for their young master who is like a prince, and will end one day in being Doge! Santa Maria di Castello, he does not wait that day to scatter his golden coins!"

Your eyes upon the page may fall, More like the page will miss your eyes; You may be listening after all, So goes he singing till he dies. LETTER: From the Hon. Cecil Bertie to the Lady Guinevere. Mr. The incident has been omitted by Ouida and Mr. Henry James. You ask me, Camarada, what I think of the little American donzella, Daisy Miller?

There could be no doubt; yet, to keep the old man talking, he put the question, "She is very beautiful, the donzella?" "Eccellenza" with a pause and deprecatory movement of the shoulders "cosi so-so a little pale like a saint devote. For the poor? Good, gentile, the donzel of Messer Girolamo. Bella, with rosy colors? Non!"

"Donzella mia," he said courteously, but in a low tone; "are not you the daughter of Messer. Marco Cornaro, the noble merchant of the Via Merceria?" "I am, my lord," the girl replied. "My royal master greets you through me," he said. "He recalls the day when you did give him shelter, and he invites you to share with him the throne of Cyprus. Shall this be as he wishes?"

"But then," he declared, "Venice hath many fair daughters, sire, whom the king's choice would honor, and Catarina is but a young maid yet. Would it not be wiser, when you choose a queen, to select some older donzella for your bride? Though it will, I can aver, be hard to choose fairer."