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They give her dyspepsy, anyhow." The muscles of John Meredith's face grew rigid in his endeavor to maintain a serious expression. He had taken out a notebook at the beginning of the interview to jot down the addresses, but he copied Amarilly's comments as well, for the future entertainment of Colette. "'July 25 and 26. Mr. Derry Phillips, The Navarre. 2 dollers. Pade. He paints picters.

25 We likewise of our goodnes, haue licensed the English Marchants in our Townes of Mosco, Nouogorod the great, and Plesko, that the Coiners of the said Townes shall melt Dollers, and coine money for them, without custome, allowing for coales, and other necessaries, with the workemanship.

"Some folks say you jus been dreamin, counta de blood stop circulatin in yaur back. Shucks! Dey ain never been rid by a witch, or dey ain sayin dat. "Old witch docter, he want ten dollers for a piece of string, what he say some kinda charm words over.

"Some one swiped it offen our clo'es-line, and when the police ketched the thief, we was subpenyed, or ma was. She got thirty-five cents, and all on us 'cept Iry went to hear her." "'Aug, 29. Bishop Thurber. 5 dollers. Pade." "Bishop Thurber!" the name was repeated with the force of an expletive. "Seems to mind that more'n he did the police," thought Amarilly.

The day was exceedingly warm, and my appearance in this new rôle excited the derision of my neighbors; but I felt rather flattered to be called Farmer Baker, and I was glad to give the Baylors, the Edwardses, the Dollers, the Tiltmans, the Rushes, the Sissons, and the rest to understand that I by no means disdained to condescend to the humble plane of an agriculturist.

"Lads and lasses: I sez to this 'ere lad, Bill Brown, sez I, some time back; I sez: 'Bill, me lad, if you ever fix it so's I kin hear my old friend Bill Medders talkin' out loud more'n a hunderd mile off, I sez, 'then, I sez, 'I'll give you a thousand dollers. Well, this Bill, he sez: 'No, sir, Mr.

"& I," sed a fat chunky femaile, who must hev wade more than too hundred lbs, "I will be your sweet gidin Star!" Sez I, "Ile bet two dollers and a half you won't!" "Wiltist thou not tarry here in the promist Land?" sed several of the miserabil critters. "Ile see you all essenshally cussed be4 I wiltist!" roared I, as mad as I cood be at thare infernul noncents.

He took it worse than you do that I would pawn it, and to save it he lent me five dollers. Course I made him take the surplus till I hed the money to git it outen hock, and when we was able to pay fer it, Bud went arter it.

"'July 15 to July 19. The Beehive. 3 dollers and 1/2 Pade. That's a bargain store down in our parts. I went in fer to git Bud a cap and I hearn the clerk askin' the boss about fixin' up a winder show with wax figgers fer a weddin'. I step up to him and ask him if he kep surpluses, and he sez as he didn't.

They cram theirselves with hi-sounding frazis, frizzle up their hare, git trustid for a soot of black close & cum out to lectur at 50 dollers a pop. Thay aint over stockt with branes, but thay hav brass enuff to make suffishunt kittles to bile all the sope that will be required by the ensooin sixteen ginerashuns. Peple flock to heer um in krowds.