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"But it's the thing to do, when you find any money, you see." "Do you think you had any share in finding it, Mr. Redmond?" asked Leopold, quietly, as he began to move towards the boat. "I was looking on when you found it, Leopold; and it's the rule, you see, in such cases, to divy. I was here when you unearthed the thing." "No, you were not," answered Leopold, decidedly.

See Trumbull, ii, 159, for a more favorable opinion. Wales in the Yale chair of divinity, Pres. Stiles wrote, "An Old Divinity man will be acceptable to all the Old Divy. Ministers & to all the Churches: a New Divt man will be acceptable to all the New Divy. Ministers and to None of the Churches, as none of the Chhs. in New Engl. are New Divt."

I didn't go back to 's, but to Bowery another place that has put more men on the down-grade than any place I know. It's out of business now, and as I pass there every day I pray that all the saloons may go. I drank the half-dollar up in quick time, for with the Bowery element it's divy even with drinks. Morning came, and I wondered what I should do for the day.

"I shall divy with Le; I shall give him at least five hundred. "Not a cent," protested Leopold. "You bet!" added Stumpy. "I've been thinking all the time about getting my mother out of trouble, and only just now it comes into my head that Le's father is in hot water. I'll tell you what we'll do, Le: I'll give you five hundred " "No, you won't! not a cent," said, Leopold, decidedly.

"I don't believe that any of this money will be spent for champagne suppers at least, not yet a while," replied Leopold. "Aren't you going to divy?" demanded Mr. Redmond, looking as though he had regarded such a disposition of the treasure as a foregone conclusion. "I am not going to divy." "No? But that's mean you see." "I don't see it."

"He is dead; he was lost on the brig Waldo, which went down by those rocks you see off there," replied Leopold, pointing to the reefs. "Then he is dead!" exclaimed the fop, with a new gleam of hope. "Then he has gone to the happy hunting-ground, where gold isn't a hundred and twenty above par; and he won't have any use for it there, you see. The right thing to do is to divy." "I think not.

"Leopold wouldn't do the fair thing, and divy with Stumpy and me," said the little fop, when he had finished his story. "If he had, I would have kept the whole thing secret as he wished me to do." "Why should he share the money with you, Charley?" demanded Mr. Hamilton. "Because I was in at the death, and that's the way to do the thing when any money is found. Leopold was mean about it."

Hennessy the "necessities of life" which had been placed on the free-list and which included curling stones, teeth, sea-moss, newspapers, nuts, nux vomica, Pulu, canary bird seed, divy divy and other commodities. A sample of the jocosity that partially relieved the tension is the following portion of the Congressional Record for March 18: The Speaker pro tempore: The House will be in order.

It was brought in, and then Jordan said: "Friends, in Africa I found a prospector ez war broke. I give him a little outfit ter go down on the Vaal. He came back after a while and divied with me, 'nd I want ter divy with yo'." So saying, he opened the package. Exclamations of surprise arose on all sides. Before their eyes was a great heap of diamonds.

"I am tired," he replied, "too tired to breathe if I wasn't obliged to; this has been a hard day's work, and if old Blaisdell sells that mine, as he expects to, he'll have to divy up pretty liberally." Houston turned around facing Morgan, with a peculiar smile. "The Sunrise mine seems to have developed wonderfully within the past few days," he remarked quietly.