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Updated: August 24, 2024

'Now, look here. Your notion of the Fashion Club is a deuced good one, and I don't see why it shouldn't be pretty easily started. Out of every five hundred women, you can reckon on four hundred and ninety-nine being fools; and there isn't a female fool who wouldn't read and think about a circular which promised her fashionable dresses for an unfashionable price.

I never did believe in that young woman; I thought she was a deuced sight too clever; and when she used to go about humbugging this one and the other with her innocent airs, I said to myself, 'Oh, it's all very well: but you know what you are about. Of course there was no use talking to you. I believe at one time Mrs.

"Are you hinting that I have lied to you?" "I am not hinting at anything. All I can say is that it is deuced queer, all of it. And I sha'n't say more." "Will you tell me " "I shall tell you nothing. That would be her wish, according to your own statement and I will respect that wish, if you don't." I rose to my feet.

"Oh! by Jove! we've got to stand it, many of us, for weighty considerations quite apart from our personal dignity," Captain Bartlet rejoined. "A man with a wife and five children depending upon him will swallow a lot for their sake. It would be easy enough to answer him, but self-interest keeps us quiet a deuced sight oftener than discipline, by the way.

She might be a deuced clever woman and all that, but he wasn't going to have those feminine airs of superiority; so he snubbed her into silence, and having succeeded, he became exceedingly annoyed because she would not talk.

"But what's the good of the truth if the boys are dead?" said William, timidly. The captain, without heeding this question, continued, as he stirred the sugar in his glass, "Well, out I sneaked, and as soon as I had got to my own door I turned round and saw Sharp the runner on the other side of the way I felt deuced queer. However, I went in, sat down, and began to think.

"Your uncle, who holds such a lax view of the avuncular offices?" Lightmark smiled a little self-congratulatory smile. "Ah, that's changed. The old boy was deuced friendly gave me his whole hand instead of two fingers, and asked me to dine with him. I think," he went on after a moment, "the Sylvesters have been putting in a good word for me. Or perhaps it was Mrs.

"If it comes to that, I might do a bit of comparin' too." "I should be the last to prevent you, old boy. But I'm sure you've often done it already and always made up your mind afterwards that she wasn't quite up to the marrying mark." "Who wasn't?" "The other horrid creature." He could not repress a chuckle. "You're deuced conceited," he said. "You've made me so." "I how?"

"Deuced strange neither does she take any notice of my two epaulets;" and I glanced my eye, to be sure that they were both really there. I then, with some small misgiving, stole a look towards the Colonel a very handsome fellow, with all the ease and polish of a soldier and a gentleman about him.

But he's a deuced clever fellow, Lucy! "And on what subject has he been speaking, Papa?" "But is not my uncle William coming down to see us? He promised to do so, and it made you quite happy , Papa, for two days. I hope he will not disappoint you; and I am sure that it is not his fault if he ever seems to neglect you.

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