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So I sez to myself, 'Ef a six-shooter ain't of no account, wet's the use of carryin' it? So I just put my shooting-iron in my valise when I travel, and fill my holster with my gold dust, so! It's a deuced sight heavier than a revolver, but they don't feel its weight, and don't keer to come nigh it.

Oh! deuced moral! in which you may recognize a fag end of every material woven by modern doctrines, at loggerheads together." The women could not help laughing at the airs by which Blondet illustrated his satire.

She had gathered wood, built the fire, and cooked breakfast while he slept. And now she stood a dozen paces from him, blushing a little at his amazed stare, waiting for him. "It's deuced good of you, Miss Jeanne!" he exclaimed. "I don't deserve such kindness from you." "Oh!" said Jeanne, and that was all. She bent over the fire, and Philip went to the creek.

As I told you in my letter, the affair has gone the round of the clubs, every one is laughing at the 'Galloping Countryman, as they call you. Jerningham came within an ace of fighting Tufton Green of the Guards about it, but the Marquis is deuced knowing with the barkers, and Tufton, very wisely, thought better of it. Still, I'm afraid the name will stick !" "And why not, Dick?

"You've been in such a deuced queer mood the last few days I can't make you out, Honora." "You ought to have learned something about women by this time," she said. "It seems to me," he announced, "that we need a little livening up." There were six letters from him, written from a club, representing the seven days of his absence.

Ogg's who will not tell you that a beautiful creature like her would be throwing herself away on a pitiable object like me." "Not she!" said Wakem, rising again, and forgetting everything else in a burst of resentful pride, half fatherly, half personal. "It would be a deuced fine match for her. It's all stuff about an accidental deformity, when a girl's really attached to a man."

"The Count of Ferroll is as much a foreigner as the prince," said Endymion rather sharply. "Oh! I don't call him a foreigner at all," said the first speaker. "He is a great favourite at White's; no one rides cross country like him, and he is a deuced fine shot in the bargain." "I will back Prince Florestan against him either in field or cover," said Endymion.

His brothers, clubmen all, graciously alluded to him with, "deuced hard luck, poor Charlie." His father never mentioned his name. Then he went into "The Church," sailed for Canada, idled about for a few weeks, when one of the great colonial bishops, not knowing what else to do with him, packed him off north as a missionary to the Indians.

Then they became hazy and returned from their journey, whilst he exclaimed: 'Oh! you speak for yourself! I should do wrong to kick the bucket. No matter, your book sent me into a deuced fever. I wanted to paint to-day, but I couldn't. Ah! it's lucky that I can't get jealous of you, else you would make me too unhappy. However, the door had opened, and Mathilde came in, followed by Jory.

We're a new factor in the problem, and they all mistrust us nearly as much, if not more, than they mistrust one another. Good. They'll be all of them watching that treasure. It'll be near where they are, and I'm going to snaffle it or break my neck and all your necks in the deuced desperate attempt. Is that clear?