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Saying which the Viscount leaned down from his saddle, with his hand stretched out impulsively, and, this time, his father's clasp was very light and gentle. So the Earl bowed, and turning, walked away. "He's deuced Roman, of course, Bev," said the Viscount, staring hard after his father's upright figure, "but there are times when he's rather more than human!"

'It's deuced funny! he thought, 'really deuced funny! It is so much easier to say, "Then we know where we are," than to mean anything particular by the words. And in saying them Soames did but vent the jealous rankling of his instincts.

"Let me help you, Miss Rebecca," cried Max, and ran after her. "That is a lively young man," said the Pastor. "Yes, isn't he?" answered the Consul, "and a deuced good business man into the bargain. He has spent several years abroad, and now his father has taken him into partnership." "He's perhaps a little unstable," said Mrs. Hartvig, doubtfully. "Yes, he is indeed," sighed Miss Frederica.

"I'll get my sewing and go to the arbor," answered Lina. "Very well," said Mina, "I'll join you there as soon as I'm ready." "And I'll go too," said Godfrey, "for I've got a book I want to finish." "That's right," said Bräsig; "it'll be a deuced good entertainment for Lina."

'Hullo! said he, 'this is bad; this is deuced bad, Miss Valdevia. You would not listen to sound sense, you would send that pocket- book to that man Caulder's son. 'Sir George, said I, 'it was my duty. 'You are prettily paid for it, at least, says he; 'and much as I regret it, I, for one, am done with you. This fellow Caulder demands your extradition.

"Upon my word, Johnny," Dalrymple had said to his friend, "he's a deuced good fellow, has really a good glass of claret, which is getting rarer and rarer every day, and will mount you for a day, whenever you please, down at Market Harboro'. Come and dine with them." Johnny Eames condescended, and did go and dine with Mr Dobbs Broughton.

"I'm the first to admit that," said the detective heartily. "You get to your point, I admit; but you have such a deuced round-the-corner way of doing it." "Well, well, I'll drop past history and get down to present-day facts. I called last night, as I have already said, at the Manor House. I did not see either Barker or Mrs. Douglas.

And then, as his figure disappeared down the road, the restrained commentary of wonder, surmise, and criticism broke out: "It must have been something mighty bad, for the old man, who swears by him, looked rather troubled. And it was deuced queer, you know, this changing clothes with somebody, just before this surprise!" "Nonsense! It's something away back of that!

"To Harry Neal's; a party of us were invited there to drink egg-nog, and, of course, found something stronger afterward. Then we had a game or so of poker, and , the grand finale is that I have had a deuced headache all day. Ah, my sweet saint! how shocked you are, to be sure! Now, don't lecture, or I shall be off like a flash."

They all looked deuced keen and businesslike, as if from youth up they had been working in the office and catching the boss's eye and what-not. They shook hands with the old boy with a good deal of apparent satisfaction all except one chappie, who seemed to be brooding about something and then they stood off and became chatty. "What message have you for Birdsburg, Duke?" asked our pal.