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Garth had been so kind and encouraging at the beginning of their interview, that gratitude and hopefulness had been at a high pitch, and the downfall was proportionate. He had not thought of desk-work in fact, like the majority of young gentlemen, he wanted an occupation which should be free from disagreeables.

Should you happen to know any of the Trustees, or have any influential friends in Birmingham, perhaps you could help me. I think this book will be my last, as I have pretty well said all I have to say in it, and I have never taken to experiment as you have. But I want some easy occupation for my declining years, with not too much confinement or desk-work, which I cannot stand.

This he exercised at his office desk with perfect deliberation. He purchased a box of delicately colored and scented writing paper in monogram, which he kept locked in one of the drawers. His friends now wondered at the cleric and very official-looking nature of his position. The five bartenders viewed with respect the duties which could call a man to do so much desk-work and penmanship.

They are certainly perspiring in the heavy heat of the early morning. They are also certainly in love. This lively dalliance is the preliminary to a day's desk-work. It seems ill-chosen, silly, futile. The couple have forgotten, if they ever knew, that they are playing at a terrific and long-drawn moment of crisis in a spot sacred to the finest civilisation.

'Then let him show it, instead of living in the lap of luxury, and murmuring at a few hours at the desk. 'I ascribe that to his temperament, which certainly has a good deal of the artist; that desk-work is peculiarly irksome. 'Very likely; but it is his plain duty to conquer his dislike. No, Felix; I wish I could take him away with me, for I am afraid he will be a source of trouble. 'Never!

Looking at everything from John's side, as if there never could be any other, until at last John himself laughed softly when she asked why he couldn't take part of some outdoor man's work, and give him part of his own desk-work in exchange, and why he couldn't say plainly that his work was too sedentary.

Scarcely pleasanter are the sensations of the Minister or the M.P. who goes from a breakfast-party, full of buttered muffins and broiled salmon, to the sedentary desk-work of his office or the fusty wrangles of a Grand Committee. Breakfast over, the Minister's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of exercise.

When I was twenty-three, I was making nearly as much. When I'm thirty-eight, where shall I be?" "Can't you keep on making it?" asked Banneker. "Doubtful. A fellow goes stale on the kind of stuff I do. And if I do keep on? Five to six thousand is fine now. It won't be so much ten years from now. That's the hell of this game; there's no real chance in it." "What about the editing jobs?" "Desk-work?

But desk-work is not a Pony Express rush, and Will found the St. Louis detail about as much to his taste as clerking in a dry-goods store. His new duties naturally became intolerable, lacking the excitement and danger-scent which alone made his life worth while to him. One event, however, relieved the dead-weight monotony of his existence; he met Louise Frederici, the girl who became his wife.

I looked at the hairless face, the narrow shoulders already bowed by desk-work, and wondered when, where, and how he had loved in his past lives. "What will your mother say?" I asked, cheerfully. "I don't care a damn what she says." At twenty the things for which one does not care a damn should, properly, be many, but one must not include mothers in the list.