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You've always been so unique as a trifler that one rather hates to see you swallowed up in the troop of serious-minded young women. I was talking to Darrett the other day charming fellow, Darrett and he held that your charm was in your brilliant smile. I told him I hadn't thought so much about the brilliant smile, but that I knew a good deal about a certain impish grin.

What of that union? Katie's eyes began to dance. She hoped he would come. He would be a foe worthy her steel. She would have to fix up all her fortifications look well to her ammunition. Whatever might be held against Major Darrett it could not be said he was not worthy one's cleverest fabrications. But the triumph of holding one's own with a veteran!

Life would be more possible with him than with any man she knew within the enclosure. If one were to go dancing and smiling and flirting through the world Major Darrett would be the best possible man to go with.

Can't you see why it makes it so vulgar." Ann threw back her head. "Just the same it wasn't vulgar. What I felt wasn't vulgar. Why, Katie," she cried appealingly, "it was my Something Somewhere! You didn't think that vulgar!" "Oh no," laughed Katie, "not before I knew it was Major Darrett! But tell me I've got to know now. What is it? Where did you meet him? Just how bad is it, anyhow?"

She walked on very fast toward Zelda's, trying to occupy the whole of her mind with planning a new gown. But Zelda had more tender news to break that day than that of a new scandal. "Katie," she approached it, in Zelda's own delicate fashion, "what would you think of Major Darrett and me joy-riding through life together?" "I approve of it," said Katie, with curious heartiness.

And in addition to the cavalry officers and their wives there was a staff officer from Washington who was valuable to Wayne just then. Katie was anxious that the dinner be a success. She was glad Major Darrett was there. He went a long way toward assuring its success. And Zelda Fraser was with the party. Katie had seen her for a moment that morning, and would see her again at night.

One disapproved of things which offended one, and in this instance the results of the things one knew one should disapprove were so far from offensive that one let it go at smiling knowingly, mildly disapproving of one's self for not disapproving. Ann had not responded enthusiastically to Katie's drawing of Major Darrett.

And very sunny indeed it seemed they would be if possible at all. Certainly one would never have to explain any of one's jokes to Major Darrett. For just a moment she let herself drift into it. And knowing she was drifting, and not knowing it was for just the moment, he rose and bent over her chair.

He spoke feelingly of what he called the shallowness of rationalism, of the dangers of the age, beautifully of that splendid past which the church must conserve. He told of some lectures he himself was to deliver on the fallacies of socialism. "It's honeycombing our churches, Katherine yes, and even the army. Darrett tells me they've found it's spreading among the men.

As he thought of him his charm, cleverness how that, too, had been pitted against her starved, then offered what she would have no way of judging close to her loveliness, conscious of her warmth, her breath, the superb curves of her lovely body thinking of what Darrett had found taken what he had left her to there were several minutes when his brain was unpiloted, a creaking ship churning a screaming sea.