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Updated: August 5, 2024

A la-ad without enough book larnin' to r-read a meal-ticket, if ye give him tin years iv polly-tical life, has th' air iv a statesman an' th' manner iv a jook, an' cud take anny job fr'm dalin' faro bank to r-runnin th' threasury iv th' United States. His business brings him up again' th' best men iv th' com- munity, an' their customs an' ways iv speakin' an' thinkin' an robbin' sticks to him.

Adlerfeld gave them a surprise. Of course, Miss Churchill and the matron knew all about it, and Mrs. Albright and Miss Nita and I; but the majority did not dream of such a thing. At eight o'clock Mrs. Adlerfeld, who had slipped away to put on her traveling dress, walked in on the arm of Mr. Von Dalin, and there was a minister, and they were married!

As a prose writer, rather than a poet, Dalin deserves remembrance. He established a periodical in imitation of the "Spectator," and through this conferred the same benefits on Swedish literature that Addison conferred on that of England, a great improvement in style, and the origination of a national periodical literature.

Did thim divils suppose I was goin' to stairt a Museim, that I'd be dalin' in such expinsive curiassities!" The banker's clerk said there was not a dry eye in the house. "There was a fellow traveling around in that country," said Mr. Nickerson, "with a moral-religious show a sort of scriptural panorama and he hired a wooden-headed old slab to play the piano for him.

The daughter lives in Stockholm and the son in Newark. Mr. Von Dalin is librarian in one of the big libraries oh, I wish you could see him! Dear me, I must run back, for they may want something!" Without doubt Polly was extraordinarily excited. "Next Tuesday is Miss Lily's birthday!" Polly made the announcement in lowered tones. "How old is she?" asked Miss Sterling. "I don't know.

"I like cake!" She smiled whimsically. "Oh, why don't I bring you some! We had a lovely raspberry layer cake when Mr. Von Dalin was here, and I never thought to bring over a mite! Mother says I am growing careless, and I'm afraid she's right!" "Dear child! I don't want you to bring me cake! I said that only in fun." "You shall have some, all the same! Isn't the table here any better?"

I have a regard for you, sir, for many a dalin we had together; but for all that, faix, I'd be miserable for no man, barrin' for her that's gone. If I'd be so to oblage any one, I'd do it for your family; for divil the family in all Europe " "Easy, Connell I am not to be palmed off in that manner; I really have a respect for the character which you bore, and wish you to recover it once more.

"I seen her the other day, and a neater little heifer never turned out to pasture. Lord, I’d like to be gnawing the corners of the primer right now, if she was there to whale the ruler." "Arrah," bayed Costigan, "but the women question is gittin’ complicated ontoirely, wid Miss Rodneyan’ herself lukin’ loike a saint in a church windowdalin’ the mails an’ th’ other wan tachin’ in the mountains.

I hope you'll make a long stay with us, sir, in this part of the counthry. If you have any business to do with Mr. Lindsay as of coorse you have why, I don't think you and he will quarrel; and by the way, sir, I know him and the family well, and if I only got a glimpse, I could throw in a word or two to guide you in dalin' wid him that is, if I knew the business."

'Yachtin' is a gintleman's spoort, he says, 'an' in dalin' with gintlemen, he says, 'ye can't be too careful, he says." "What's Sir Lipton doin' all this time?" asked Mr. Hennessy. "He's preparin' his bond, makin' his will, an' goin' through th' other lagal preliminaries iv th' race. He's built a boat too.

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