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In the midst of all the excitement and enthusiasm it suddenly occurs to the business-like Master Cusack that he had better secure a good position for the great race without delay, and accordingly he pilots his father out of the crush, and makes for a spot near the winning-post, where the crowd at the cords has a few gaps; and here, by a little unscrupulous shoving, he contrives to wedge himself in, with his father close behind, at about the very best spot on the course, with a full view of the last two hundred yards, and only a few feet from the finish.

"You'll have to promise not to fool," said he, presently, "or there'll be a row." "Oh, rather; we won't touch anything without asking, will we, Pil?" replied Cusack. "Awfully brickish of you, Philpot." Philpot took the compliment very complacently, and the two students settled themselves one on either side of the table and waited for operations to begin.

The practice for the Rockshire match, as well as the play of the newly-started Welchers' club, was for the time completely suspended; and it was evident that until the election was over there was no prospect of seeing the school in its right mind again. The day before the event was a busy and anxious one for the captain. Pilbury, Cusack, and Philpot wanted to get their hair cut.

"Fellow's born a chemist," said Pilbury, watching him admiringly; "that's just what old Joram does at the dispensary. What's all the spread out for?" "To dry it," said Philpot. "Why don't you stick it on the shovel and hold it over the gas?" suggested Cusack. "Jolly fag waiting till it dries itself." "Oh, it won't be long," said Philpot. "And what's it going to do when it's done?" asked Cusack.

"Rather; I mean to practise hard, don't you, Cusack?" Cusack said, Yes he did, and proceeded to prowl round the laboratory in a manner that made Philpot very uncomfortable. It was a relief to all parties when the powders were at last pronounced to be dry. "Now," said Philpot, taking up one of the small papers gently on the flat of his hand, "we shall have to be careful."

"Oh, lots to do, you know," said Pilbury "dominoes, you know, or spellicans. I've got a box at home." "Jolly slow always playing dominoes," said Cusack, "or spellicans." "Well, then, there's " "Hold hard!" broke in Cusack, struck with a sudden idea. "What's the name of the thing old Philpot's always at?" "What, chemistry? Jolly good idea, old man! Let's go in for that."

With such taunts the Hector of Parrett's endeavoured to incite the enemy to battle. And the enemy, if truth must be told, needed very little persuasion, especially as the crew in question consisted of Cusack, Pilbury, and the three other ill-starred victim of the raid of two days ago.

'Irishmen are of opinion among themselves, said Justice Cusack to the king, 'that Englishmen will one day banish them from their lands forever." In fact, project after project was then proposed for clearing Ireland of Irish to the Shannon. Some went so far as already to contemplate their utter extirpation; but "there was no precedent for it found in the chronicles of the conquest.

When, therefore, the group of youthful culprits slowly filed into his room, his voice was stern and his countenance betrayed no symptoms of the amusement which lurked beneath. "Now, you boys," said he, surveying the anxious array carefully, "what have you to say for yourselves?" "Please, sir," began Parson, Telson, and Cusack, all at a breath. "Stop," said Mr Parrett; "only one at a time.

He was a yard or two ahead, then Wyndham, and the London man lying out, ten yards behind. He had been going pretty easily, but he lammed it on for the next hurdle, and pulled up close. The three went over almost even, and then Bloomfield was out of it. My eye, Cusack! you should have seen the finish after that!