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Updated: August 13, 2024

"It's pleasure ye call it; then there's no accountin' for tastes, as Dr. Colles said, when he saw me bite Cusack Rooney's thumb off." "Bite a man's thumb off!" said I, in a horror. "Ay," said he with a kind of fiendish animation, "in one chop; I wish you'd see how I scattered the consultation; begad they didn't wait to ax for a fee."

"Rather!" exclaims Pil, in astonishment. "Why, where have you been? Of course you know who won?" "No," says Cusack, eagerly "who?" "Why, Wyndham! You never saw such a race! At the fourth hurdle from home Wyndham, Bloomfield, Game, Tipper, and Rawson were the only ones left in. Game and Tipper muffed the jump, and it was left to the other three. Bloomfield had cut out grandly.

"That Mr Bloomfield be elected Speaker of this House." Proposed by G. Game; seconded by R. Ashley. "That Francis Cusack, Esquire, member for the Isle of Wight, be elected Speaker of this House." Proposed, A. Pilbury, Esquire; seconded, L. Philpot, Esq. The humour of the last notice was eclipsed by the seriousness of the other two.

"That little lot won't make half a flare," suggested Pilbury; "let's have two or three at once." So saying he lifted up one of the other papers and emptied its contents into the paper on Philpot's hand. "Look out," said Philpot, "it'll blow up." "Eh, what?" cried Cusack, jumping off the table in his excitement at the glorious news.

Captain Cusack, with a smile on his face, watches them trot off, and asks his son, "Who are those two nice young fellows?" "Oh, a couple of kids not in our house," replies Master Cusack, by no means cordially. "Jolly cheek of them talking to you like that, though!" "Not at all," says the captain. "I'd like to see their race, Harry."

The revelry within became more and more boisterous, and the chances of a speedy retreat more and more remote, when all of a sudden there was a sharp click and the door swung back hard on its hinges, precipitating Cusack, Pilbury, and Curtis backwards into the room in among the very feet of the besieged as, in a compact body, they rushed out.

The Great Southern and Western consisted of 522 miles, the Great Northern 487, and the Midland Great Western 432, nearly seven times as long as the County Down. No wonder I felt elated. How it all came about was in this way. Skipworth, the London and North- Western Manager in Ireland, was on very friendly terms with Sir Ralph Cusack, and Sir Ralph had a high opinion of his judgment.

"Not a bit of him!" says Telson, who has also artfully squeezed himself into the front rank hard by; "besides, he's a Limpet, and Limpets have no right to run as juniors." "What is a Limpet?" asks Captain Cusack of his son.

"Please give it up," pleaded Bosher, but he was immediately sat upon by his outraged companions, and forced to listen to the rest of the chronicle. "`Wyndham hath not found his knife. I grieve for Wyndham thinking Cusack and the little Welchers to be the thiefs. I smile when Cusack goes to prison in the Parliament a gross speech is made by Riddell I reply in noble speech for the Radicals."

He therefore decided wisely to wait till the usual time when Wyndham was in the habit of coming to his study to do his lessons. Meanwhile, to make sure of his coming, he sent him a message by Cusack to tell him to be sure and turn up.

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