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Updated: August 13, 2024

Easy easy there; just dip so as to get nearer the shore. The current's so swift we may be capsized." "Easy it is, sir," said Tom, and they rowed gently on with the current, getting nearer and nearer the shore with its heavy fringe of verdure, Mark watching eagerly in the gathering blackness for a big tree with overhanging boughs, but all in vain.

The current's there, but it's long-circuited. The only expression it's got is through the intelligence, so it lights the house. Absence of common knowledge and common interests only adds to the resistance and makes it burn all the brighter. Naturally Darby and Joan fall victims to the very dangerous illusion that they're intellectual companions. They think they're having wonderful talks.

"It's too late to do that now, whatever is his reason," said Charley, as he and his companion struggled in vain to paddle up stream. "It's o' no use, Mr Charles; we must run it now the current's too strong to make head against. Besides, I do think the man has only seen a bear, or somethin' o' that sort, for I see he's ashore, and jumpin' among the bushes like a caribou."

"It's very deep, and there's plenty of room for the brig; and, what's better, the current's sluggish, so that we can make our way." "What about the forest? Is it far back from the waterside?" "Hangs over it, so that one can send a boat ashore every night with a cable to make fast to one of the great trees, and save letting down and getting up the anchor."

Amid laughter and exclamations Hamilton confessed himself the man who had guessed Latin to be the cause of Miss Current's remaining an old maid; Rose, crying: 'You really are too clever, Aunt Bel! A divergence to other themes ensued, and then Miss Jenny Graine said: 'Isn't Juley learning Latin? I should like to join her while I'm here. 'And so should I, responded Rose.

Down-stream the tunnel branched again and again, and with the lessening of the diameter was a lessening of the current's velocity, until, in a maze of small, short passages, the invaders, content to fight and kill in the swifter tide, again attacked the caves.

It was not until five minutes later that Dick was able to guide their own rowboat to the shore upon which the mill was located. They hit several rocks, but at last came in where there was a sandy stretch. All leaped out, and the craft was hauled up to a point out of the current's reach.

Thet creek's norrer but hit's deep beyond fordin'. We needs must swim our mules acros't." Brent shuddered at the sight of the chill water but Bud went on inexorably. "Now, ye've got ter start as fur up es ye handily kin because ther current's swift an' if hit carries yer beyond thet small bend ye comes out in quicksand. Jest foller me. I'll go fust."

"It's too late to do that now, whatever is his reason," said Charley, as he and his companion struggled in vain to paddle up stream. "It's no use, Mr. Charles; we must run it now the current's too strong to make head against; besides, I do think the man has only seen a bear, or something o' that sort, for I see he's ashore, and jumpin' among the bushes like a cariboo."

You see, sir," he went on, "if once we dropped to leeward of the landing-place, it's hard to say where we should get ashore, besides the chance of being boarded by the gigs; whereas, the way we go the current must slacken, and then we can dodge back along the shore." "The current's less a'ready, sir," said the man Gray, who was sitting in the fore-sheets; "you can ease her off a bit."

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