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My kitbag has been opened and the dispatch-box has been opened also while I've been asleep. The thief has evidently had the conductor's key or he couldn't have got into my compartment! The bonds must be still in the possession of one of the passengers," he added. "Our last stop was at Mâcon and I was awake then." Together we woke up Rayne, who at once busied himself in great alarm.

When she turned to speak to 'im about it, she knocked the conductor's hat off with 'er umbrella, and there was so much unpleasantness that by the time they 'ad got to the pavement she told Charlie that she never wanted to see his silly fat face agin. "It ain't fat," ses Ted, speaking up for 'im; "it's the shape of it." "And it ain't silly," ses Charlie, speaking very quick; "mind that!"

I was nearly asleep when there came a sudden shock, and the conductor's voice rang out warning us to leave the train. At slackened speed we had run into a snow block, and the wedge-headed plow was going, so he said, to plug the drifts under a full pressure, and butt her right straight through.

Better luck next time! Why wouldn't he go on with us? Fenton and I could chum together, to give him cabin-room. And Neill Sheridan, the American Egyptologist, had let me know that he was obliged to leave us at Wady Haifa. There would be an empty cabin, going down again. But no, the "Boss" refused his Conductor's hospitality.

It was the winter street-car, a great dark caravan, with a long narrow bench down either side and a mass of hay all along the middle, with a melancholy lamp at the conductor's end. Although fairly light outside, it was quite dark inside the caravan, so the conductor set about lighting the lamp. This is the way he did it.

The instrumental works were not conducted by what we call 'a conductor of the orchestra, but were simply played to the audience by the leader of the orchestra. As soon as the singing began, Pohlenz took his place at the conductor's desk; he belonged to the type of fat and pleasant musical directors, and was a great favourite with the Leipzig public.

She was startled by the conductor's calling out: "Now, miss!" She rose as he rang the bell and was ready to get off when the car stopped, for she was eager to cause him as little trouble as possible. "The house is right straight before you," said the conductor. "The number's in the transom." She thanked him, descended, was on the sidewalk before Mrs. Wylie's.

He is excessively nervous, and silhouette caricatures of him, representing him as a cat in convulsions in the conductor's desk, are very popular in Germany. I hope one day to study this artist's work in greater detail, for he is second only to Strauss as a composer in Germany, and the principal musician of South Germany.

How fatherly, and even tenderly, Costa seemed to watch over the little maiden, and his usual autocratic manner for he was an autocrat at the conductor's desk seemed to soften when he came in contact with the pretty young Italian vocalist.

The "pale mariner" has once more gone across the stage here, and in his honour I yesterday occupied the conductor's seat again, after an interval of eight months. With the "Flying Dutchman" I left the orchestra for a time at the beginning of last March, and with the same work I resume my connection with the theatre for this season.