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The Vicomte left the rotunda, and putting up his eyeglasses, began to examine the crowd in the garden. The Palais Royal was at that time the central point of Paris, and served as a rendezvous for everybody. Each café had its special customers. The Bonapartists went to one, foreigners to another the Mille Colonnes speculators to the Café de Fois, and so on.

Representative Miot was reserved for the tortures of the casemates of Africa. Thus in addition to the massacres, the victory of the coup d'état was paid for by these figures: eighty-eight Representatives proscribed, one killed. I usually dined at Brussels in a café, called the Café des Mille Colonnes, which was frequented by the exiles.

C'est l'eau benite, as the English lord said to the garçon at the Milles Colonnes, when he first tasted real parfait amour. C'est beaucoup mieux, Milor, answered the waiter with a profound reverence. Gin-sling, cock-tail, mint-julep, are about as vulgar as blue ruin and old tom at home; but sherry cobbler is an affair of consideration only never pound your ice, always rasp it.

Later, at the Café des Milles Colonnes, the handsome Madame Romain, La Belle Limonadière, sat majestically on a real throne used by a king whom Napoleon had overthrown. In the Rue Vivienne stood also the princely Hôtel Colbert, of which only the name remains the Passage Colbert.

We arrived on Tuesday evening, and in half an hour I was in the Palais Royal in the Café de Mille Colonnes, and at night the brilliancy of the Lamps and Mirrors, glittering in every direction in every alley, displayed this new scene to me in the newest colours; and it was very like walking in a new world.... The Fêtes for the marriage of the Due de Berri are unfortunately all over.

He shows me those stiff-necked, over-hatted, wasp-waisted gentlemen, drinking Burgundy in the Cafe des Milles Colonnes or riding through the village of Newmarket upon their fat cobs or gambling at Crockford's. Grego's Green Room of the Opera House always delights me. The formal way in which Mdlle. Mercandotti is standing upon one leg for the pleasure of Lord Fife and Mr.

The town of Ceres, made famous by Renzo da Ceri, who defended by turns Marseilles against Charles V. and Geneva against the Duke of Savoy, is nothing but a solitude. In all the fiefs of the Orsinis and the Colonnes not a soul.

The day on which they will be conferred will be on Tuesday, the 21st inst. Believe me, yours very truly, The Journal notes: June 3rd. Excursion to Malvern, Hereford, and Worcester. Cher Monsieur Reeve, Je lis ce matin en tete des colonnes du journal le 'Times, un charmant premier article sur mon fils aine, et portant meme son nom pour titre.

For many weeks with a few hundred followers he held the fields in the Marais, but he was at last hemmed in and captured by one of the monster Thureau's Colonnes Infernales, those hellish legions with an account of whose deeds, so says this gallant gentleman our friend, 'I will not defile my pen, but whose boasts are like those of Attila the Hun, and who in their malice have invented obscene tortures worthy of Iroquois savages for all who fall into their clutches, be they men, women, or children.... But, by Heaven's mercy, dear Madame, says M. de Puisaye to me, 'your noble husband was too weak to afford sport to those demons, and so he has escaped torment.

In the melancholy phantasm passing before his mind's eye, of a period of unprecedented bloodshed and savagery, when on the one side Chouans, Vendéens, and such guerillas of which Madame de Savenaye was the moving spirit, and on the other the colonnes infernales of the revolutionary leaders, vied with each other in ferocity and cunning, she stood ever foremost, ever the central point of thought, with a vividness that almost a score of years had failed to dim.