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A wayfarer, whom they met at the entrance of the narrow, dark street, turned back, and on passing the ladies, scrutinised them closely. Jeanne pretended to be afraid of the man; she stopped, and calling Carlino, proposed to return home. Her voice really sounded different, but Carlino could not believe she was afraid. Afraid of what?

The man who moulded the first bowl, adapting its form as closely as possible to its use and shaping its proportions for his own pleasure to satisfy his sense of harmony and rhythm, differs from the builders of the Parthenon only in the degree of intensity of his inspiring emotion and in the measure of his controlling thought.

He looked at a narrow point where the trail suddenly ended, a sharp break where the cliff dropped away abruptly, and further progress could only be made by an exhausting downward climb by a skilled mountaineer. Then he came slowly on, his gray eyes closely scrutinizing the figure in the cart.

At present the greater number have been fortified by the Austrians, whose sentinel paces the once-peaceful shores, and challenges all passers with his sharp "Halt! Wer da!" and warns them not to approach too closely. Other islands have been devoted to different utilitarian purposes, and few are able to keep their distant promises of loveliness.

It seems probable that Kettledrummle allotted this part in the success to his companions in adversity, lest they should be tempted to disclose his carnal self-seeking and falling away, in regarding too closely his own personal safety. These strong testimonies in favour of the liberated captives quickly flew abroad, with many exaggerations, among the victorious army.

Meantime Theodore dashed abruptly across the road and entered the store, Pliny following more leisurely, still staring at the magic sign. The clerks all bowed and smiled most broadly as the junior partner passed down the store; but that gentleman was too excited to notice them closely, and hurried into the private office. Mr.

Hal peered closer and made out the nature of the object in the man's hand. "A black pea!" he exclaimed. "Yes, I can match it." He thrust a hand in his pocket and produced a black pea, which not many days before had rolled from the pocket of Jules Clemenceau. The stranger looked at it closely. "All right," he said. He turned to Chester. "And you?" he demanded.

They repressed Boldrewood's usual tendency to excessive detail, and kept his attention closely fixed on the drama of the story.

"O stay, Imre, you cannot look on them; they are all headless!" "My God!" exclaimed the young man, covering his face with both hands, and, bursting into tears he threw himself down with his face upon the earth. His comrades questioned the Wallachian closely as to what he knew about the young girl.

Several approached us so closely, that they threw themselves back to avoid contact, opening their beaks and spreading out their talons. The long flight of these birds, reaching from the ground into the heavens, put me strongly in mind of one of Martin's beautiful designs, in which he produces the effect of distance by a multitude of objects vanishing from the view."