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Updated: August 15, 2024

"I warned yuh, didn't I, the Shoe-Bar was a hoodoo outfit?" he evaded. Stratton shook some tobacco into a cigarette-paper and jerked the draw-string with his teeth. "Sure you did, but that's not the question," he persisted. "I asked you if any other punchers had met up with accidents out there lately." The old man continued to cock an eye on the store entrance.

"See, Signor Carlo," she said; "I was right. Luigi, you will be a spy no more?" Carlo Ammiani happened to be rolling a cigarette-paper. She put out her fingers for it, and then reached it to Luigi, who accepted it with singular contortions of his frame, declaring that he would confess everything to her. "Yes, signorina, it is true; I am a spy on you. I know the houses you visit.

"What have you done with your tongue?" "Beg pardon, sir? Nothing, sir." "Because you don't talk. Aren't you well?" "Well, sir? No, sir; not quite, sir." "Take some pills!" growled Lacey. "Pills, sir? I 'ate pills!" "More stupid you. Swallow them at once!" "Beg pardon, sir?" "I say, swallow them at once. Best way is to wrap them in cigarette-paper." "Beg pardon, sir! A mistake, sir.

Alaire explained to her guest: "José is worried about his cousin Panfilo. It seems he has disappeared." "So! You are Panfilo's cousin?" Dave eyed the Mexican with new interest. "Si!" "You remember the man?" Alaire went on. "He was with that fellow you arrested at the water-hole." "Oh yes. I remember him." With steady fingers Dave shook some tobacco into a cigarette-paper.

"Miss Marley," Claire began, "do you think it matters what people think?" Miss Marley, who invariably rolled her own cigarettes, took up a small silver box, flattened the cigarette-paper out carefully, and prepared to fill it before answering. Then she said: "Very few people do think; that is generally what matters absence of thought.

It was in Arabic on a small piece of cigarette-paper which might be easily swallowed should the messenger be captured. Stevenson always believed it to be the last message sent before the great general's death. They came to him for everything and he was ever ready with help and advice. They were quick to appreciate his justice and kindliness, and to a man were devoted to him.

The Indian herds have paid out well, but if this delivery falls down, it will leave him holding the sack. On the other hand, if it goes through, he will be, financially, an independent man for life. And while he knows the danger of delay, he consented as readily as any of us would if asked for a cigarette-paper. He may come out all right, but he's just about white enough to get the worst of it.

A countryman joined us for a short distance, to whom Omar gave a cigarette-paper and a pinch of tobacco. Again all cultivation was exchanged for uncompromising plain, stones, stones, and a soil like iron, on which nothing grew except the thorny zizyphus lotus, with the double row of thorns, one pointing forward, the other back, out of which the Soudanese make their zarebas.

"Say! The cuff-buttons are gone, the cuff-buttons are gone! One pair of them, anyhow. Come quick! The earl is nearly wild about it. Money's no object to him!" the apparition yelled at us. I was so completely taken aback by the way that chump had burst in on us that I spilled all the beautiful tobacco off the cigarette-paper onto the floor.

"See, Signor Carlo," she said; "I was right. Luigi, you will be a spy no more?" Carlo Ammiani happened to be rolling a cigarette-paper. She put out her fingers for it, and then reached it to Luigi, who accepted it with singular contortions of his frame, declaring that he would confess everything to her. "Yes, signorina, it is true; I am a spy on you. I know the houses you visit.

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