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And for the first time she now thought that she had seen something in his face that she did not like! But her lazy independence reasserted itself soon, and half an hour later, when she had left Aunt Chloe's cabin, she had regained her self-esteem.

Caroline had much to tell of her Northern relatives, and of all she had seen and heard, and Elsie of her new-found parent, and her happiness in being so loved and cared for; and so the little tongues ran very fast, neither of them feeling Chloe's presence any restraint.

No wonder that they stuck to my track, for I have left both my spare girth and my kerchief behind me, which would serve to put them on Chloe's scent as well as mine own. 'And where is Chloe? I asked, wiping my sword. 'Chloe had to look out for herself.

So "Massa Hale" began to like her, as well as "Miss Fannie," and many a nice calico dress, or handkerchief turban, found its way mysteriously into Chloe's trunk. After a while, Chloe had another Miss Fannie to look after. Was there ever a baby like that? Certainly not except the original Miss Fannie.

Here, also, in summer, various brilliant annuals, such as marigolds, petunias, four-o'clocks, found an indulgent corner in which to unfold their splendors, and were the delight and pride of Aunt Chloe's heart. Let us enter the dwelling.

But dere, don't, don't you go for to break your little heart 'bout it, dear; I'se sure de good Lord make um all come right in de end." Elsie made no reply, and for a little while they mingled their tears in silence. Then she raised her head, and gently releasing herself from Chloe's embrace, said, "Now, mammy, I must go all about and see everything, for that was papa's command."

Chloe sent its mother out to take the air, and told her it was no use for her to trouble her head about the baby, because it was a thing she knew nothing about; in fact "Miss Fannie" never was allowed to peep into its cradle without Chloe's express permission. But the time was coming when Sorrow's dark shadow should cross the happy threshold. Who comforted poor Fannie then?

But you are entering a place where you will encounter a thousand temptations to tarnish, and haply forfeit it. Be warned do nothing that will. 'Then I'm to have my own title? said she, clearing up. 'For the month of your visit you are Duchess of Dewlap. 'I say I sha'n't! 'You shall. 'Never, sir! 'I command it. She flung herself forward, with a wail, upon Chloe's bosom.

This was more than the little heart-breaker of Buena Vista was accustomed to! "Oh, Mr. Starbuck!" she called, in her laziest voice. He turned almost impatiently. "Since you're so civil and pressing, I thought I'd tell you I was just runnin' over to Aunt Chloe's," she said dryly. "I should think it was hardly the proper thing for a young lady to do at this time of night," he said superciliously.

No words can describe the various passions which were expressed in the sad countenance of Chloe, when first she met her friend. They were both afraid of speaking. She sometimes indeed thought she saw repentance in Chloe's face, and wished for nothing more than to seal her pardon.