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Kim controlled himself with an effort beyond his years. Not more than any other youngster did he like to eat dirt or to be misjudged, but he saw himself in a cleft stick. The train rolled out of Delhi into the night. 'It is true, he murmured. 'Where I have offended thee I have done wrong. 'It is more, chela.

The way of the Bhakti yoga, is the way of love and service, because service to our fellow beings, is the inevitable complement of love. Where we truly love, we gladly serve. It has been said: "The chela treads a hair-line." That is to say, the initiate must be prepared to meet defeat at every turn.

The room is always prepared; the welcome is always ready ... See the women do not follow thy chela too openly. I know the women of Kulu. Take heed, chela, lest he run away when he smells his Hills again ... Hai! Do not tilt the rice-bag upside down ... Bless the household, Holy One, and forgive thy servant her stupidities.

On this the Excellent One returned no answer ... When I was in Ceylon, a wise Seeker confirmed that from the gospel which is written in Pali. Certainly, since we know the way to Freedom, the question were unprofitable, but look, and know illusion, chela! These are the true Hills! They are like my hills by Suchzen. Never were such hills!

There will be no killing. Let the priest-beaters go in bondage to their own acts. Just and sure is the Wheel, swerving not a hair! They will be born many times in torment. His head drooped, and he leaned heavily on Kim's shoulder. 'I have come near to great evil, chela, he whispered in that dead hush under the pines.

The country is better for them than the city; we can manage occasional news of their welfare; it will tide to get over the brief interval of time needed by Mrs. Grubb for growing into a Chela; and in any event, they are sure to run away from the Haven as soon as they become at all conscious of their souls, a moment which I think will be considerably delayed. 'Mrs.

'So much, then, is the span of my life in this body. I have served the Wheel all my days. Now the Wheel serves me. But for the merit I have acquired in guiding thee upon the Way, there would have been added to me yet another life ere I had found my River. Is it plain, chela? Kim stared at the brutally disfigured chart. The logic was unanswerable.

'That was two Rains ago; she wearied me with her continual importunity. The lama groaned as the Unjust Judge had groaned before him. 'Thus it comes take note, my chela that even those who would follow the Way are thrust aside by idle women. Three days through, when the child was sick, she talked to me. 'Arre! and to whom else should I talk?

'And for food? Lamas, as a rule, have good store of money somewhere about them, but the Curator wished to make sure. 'For the journey, I take up the Master's begging-bowl. Yes. Even as He went so go I, forsaking the ease of my monastery. I have now no chela, but I will take the alms-bowl and thus enable the charitable to acquire merit. He nodded his head valiantly.

Owing to certain conditions connected with my linga sharira, or "astral body" which it would be difficult for me to explain to those who are not to some extent initiated I passed through the various degrees of chela- ship with remarkable rapidity.