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His consciousness is of course quite complete, and he roams at will through all the divisions of the Kâmaloka with equal facility. The chela awaiting reincarnation is by no means one of the common objects of the astral plane, but still he may be met with occasionally, and therefore he forms one of our classes.

In fighting that lust, my soul was torn and wrenched beyond a thousand blows. But the evil planted in me by that moment's carelessness works out to its end. Just is the Wheel, swerving not a hair! Learn the lesson, chela. 'It is too high for me, Kim muttered. 'I am still all shaken. I am glad I hurt the man. 'I felt that, sleeping upon thy knees, in the wood below.

They never wear hats and usually carry nothing but a small brass bowl, in imitation of Buddha, which is the only property they possess on earth. They are usually accompanied by a youthful disciple, called a "chela," a boy of from 10 to 15 years of age, who will become a fakir himself unless something occurs to change his career.

'But in a little while we go away. 'True, said the lama to all the Jains. 'We go now together upon the Search whereof I have often spoken. I waited till my chela was ripe. Behold him! We go North. Never again shall I look upon this place of my rest, O people of good will. 'But I am not a beggar. The cultivator rose to his feet, clutching the child. 'Be still.

"Two amazing incidents of Babaji's life are known to me," Kebalananda went on. "His disciples were sitting one night around a huge fire which was blazing for a sacred Vedic ceremony. The master suddenly seized a burning log and lightly struck the bare shoulder of a chela who was close to the fire. "'Sir, how cruel! Lahiri Mahasaya, who was present, made this remonstrance.

The results are almost marvelous. In this way he is prepared as a chela or student, and he brings to his guru or teacher a brain well developed a mind thoroughly trained to obey the Will of the "I" and with faculties quickened to perceive instantly that which others would fail to see in a fortnight.

"I will guide you to the Cosmic Home through your enlarging perceptions." Swami Satyananda was told by a devotee that, unable to go to Benares, the man had nevertheless received precise KRIYA initiation in a dream. Lahiri Mahasaya had appeared to instruct the chela in answer to his prayers. If a disciple neglected any of his worldly obligations, the master would gently correct and discipline him.

'Very fat; but I perceived in a little his mind was wholly given up to useless things such as devils and charms and the form and fashion of our tea-drinkings in the monasteries, and by what road we initiated the novices. A man abounding in questions; but he was a friend of thine, chela. He told me that thou wast on the road to much honour as a scribe. And I see thou art a physician.

He is above all castes. I am his chela. 'Come here! said the flat thin voice behind the curtain; and Kim came, conscious that eyes he could not see were staring at him. One skinny brown finger heavy with rings lay on the edge of the cart, and the talk went this way: 'Who is that one? 'An exceedingly holy one. He comes from far off. He comes from Tibet. 'Where in Tibet?

Hst! We will ask his chela. The Ao-chung man refreshed himself, and swelled with pride of leadership. 'We have here, he whispered, 'a kilta whose nature we do not know. 'But I do, said Kim cautiously. The lama drew breath in natural, easy sleep, and Kim had been thinking of Hurree's last words. As a player of the Great Game, he was disposed just then to reverence the Babu.