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The bumping was due to the fact that the driver, by a too violent application of the brake, had changed the form of two of its wheels from circular to oval. Such accidents do happen, even to the newest cars, and the inhabitants of the Five Towns laugh when they hear a bumpy car as they laugh at Charley's Aunt.

Hanson and his people should by this time have landed, so that you would get letters from the Cape, or perhaps even from Zanzibar, in the course of a week or two. You will write to me and say what news you receive in case Charley's letters should miscarry." Miss Sally promised, without fail, to write as Mr Meadows requested, and he gave her his address.

"Watching you sun yourself on the fat cushions of the yellow rich." "Oh, shucks, old man, they're not so yellow!" "Charley strikes me as yellower than his own gold." "Charley's not a bad little sort. Of course, he needs coaching a bit here and there just now, for instance, when he didn't see that that girl wouldn't think of riding in the machine that had just killed her dog.

I'm noan comin' down again to-night. Daniel laughed the more at this, especially when he caught Charley's look of disappointment. 'Hearken how she's bolted her door. She'll noane come near us this night. Eh! but she's a stiff little 'un; she's been our only one, and we'n mostly let her have her own way.

He couldn't be sure just which of the Terran Federation services had provided the material, but Charley's shirt was Medical Service sterilon. Ashamed that he was noticing and thinking of such things at a time like this, he clasped his father's hand and kissed his mother and Flora. Everybody was talking at once, saying things that he heard only as happy sounds.

When I say halt, draw up and jump off, but take very steady aim always at the nearest. Don't throw away a shot. They are only a hundred yards off, and the revolvers will tell. Don't try to use the second chamber; there is no time for that. Use your pistols when you have emptied your carbines. Halt!" Not five seconds elapsed after the word was spoken before Charley's carbine rang out.

This would save his own and Charley's life, and how glad Charley would be! How he ran back to the lean-to! How he shouted to Charley as he approached! How the two boys, their eyes wet with tears, stroked the thing for a moment before plucking it! these were events that neither ever forgot while he lived. "The Lard sent un to us! The Good Lard sent un!" declared Toby.

Your obedient servant, If Mary had read my letter, I felt assured her reading had been very different from her father's. Anyhow she could not judge me as he did, for she knew me better. She knew that for Charley's sake I had tried the harder to believe myself.

Whatever had been the intentions of the men, Tom's firm bearing, and Charley's determined air, as he brought up the rear, following Tom as a bull-terrier does the heels of his master, ready to fly at any one venturing to interfere with him, made them alter their purpose.

Tears came into Charley's eyes, and remorse threatened to dampen the pleasure, and rob him of the ardour, of the adventure, when Skipper Zeb, in his big, cheery voice, asked: "Be you snug and warm back there, Charley, lad?" "Yes, thank you." Charley's voice betrayed his thoughts, perhaps, for Skipper Zeb asked: "Not sorry now that the ship left you, be you, lad?"