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'Open the sack, called out Little Klaus; 'creep in here instead of me, and you will die in a moment! 'I will gladly do that, said the cattle-driver; and he opened the sack, and Little Klaus struggled out at once. 'You will take care of the cattle, won't you? asked the old man, creeping into the sack, which Little Klaus fastened up and then went on with the cows and oxen.

He contrived somehow to get hold of a pilgrim's dress; then that of a cattle-driver, and in this disguise he made his way to the free city of Lübeck, and threw himself on the mercy of the burgomaster or mayor. By this time his enemies were on his track, and his noble gaoler, Sir Eric Bauer, claimed him as an escaped prisoner.

Jameson, who was imprisoned as a first-class misdemeanant for the incalculable crime of making private war upon another State; or unless the culprit is intimately connected with votes, like Mr. Ginnell, the Irish cattle-driver, who was treated with similar politeness. Otherwise, until quite lately, even in this country we executed a political criminal with unusual pain.

It is an exclamatory grunt, which may be partially expressed by the letters "a-e-ugh." Everybody shouts it, mule-driver, "coachee," or cattle-driver; and even I, a passenger, fancied I could do it to disagreeable perfection after a time. Out of this throng in the streets I like to select the meek, patient, diminutive little donkeys, with enormous panniers that almost hide them.

I would ask the sculptor to go with me to any of your schools or universities, to the running ground and gymnasium, to watch the young men start for a race, hurling quoit or club, kneeling to tie their shoes before leaping, stepping from the boat or bending to the oar, and to carve them; and when he was weary of cities I would ask him to come to your fields and meadows to watch the reaper with his sickle and the cattle-driver with lifted lasso.

There came by an old, old shepherd, with snow-white hair and a long staff in his hand. He was driving a herd of cows and oxen. These pushed against the sack so that it was overturned. 'Alas! moaned Little Klans, 'I am so young and yet I must die! 'And I, poor man, said the cattle-driver, 'I am so old and yet I cannot die!

"What what is it?" he stammered. "Not not ?" "Death! That's what it is!" said the officer, gently. "His heart's broken!" One rough fellow here pushed his way to the side of the fallen man, it was the cattle-driver who had taken part in the previous conversation among the customers at the inn before the occurrence of the tragedy. He knelt down, sobbing like a child.

Running to the edge of the roof, Clara saw a Mexican cattle-driver standing on the wall of the enclosure, and called to him, "What is the matter?" "The lariats have broken," he replied. "They are drifting." Clara uttered a little gasp of a shriek, and then did not seem to breathe again for a minute.

Pull!" said the near bullock. The yoke snapped with a twang, and they lumbered off together. I never knew before what made Indian cattle so scared of Englishmen. We eat beef a thing that no cattle-driver touches and of course the cattle do not like it. "May I be flogged with my own pad-chains! Who'd have thought of two big lumps like those losing their heads?" said Billy. "Never mind.

Soon after Big Klaus came out of the church, and taking up the sack on his shoulders it seemed to him as if it had become lighter; for the old cattle-driver was not half as heavy as Little Klaus. 'How easy he is to carry now! That must be because I heard part of the service.