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"I have no money with me to pay for them," she objected. "A footman usually accompanies me and pays for all my purchases; but to-day I left him at home, and I neglected to take my purse with me." "No matter; I understand. I'll charge the amount. Here, take this purse and pay your cab-fare out of it when you reach the square. Don't go home in a carriage, but on foot.

And as to the cab-fare, sure I hailed the hansom out of politeness to your honour's glory, the day that saw me going off to the Army Medical School at Netley, wid all my worldly belongin's in wan ould hat-box and the half of a carpet-bag.

And then the jolly good fellow dug his fat fingers into George Sheldon's ribs, and George accepted the invitation; not with any elation of spirits, but sufficiently pleased to secure a good dinner with a man who promised to be a profitable client, and whose house was within a reasonable cab-fare from the west-central district. "The cabmen are trying it on, anyhow, just now," thought Mr.

As for himself, he has sold his horses, and even grudges a cab-fare, saying, 'That is a meal for a family. Ah! if he had but gone into the Church, what a saint would have deserved canonisation!" "Do not lament he will probably have what is a better claim than mere saintship on Heaven martyrdom," said De Mauleon, with a smile in which sarcasm disappeared in melancholy.

As for himself, he has sold his horses, and even grudges a cab-fare, saying, 'That is a meal for a family. Ah! if he had but gone into the Church, what a saint would have deserved canonisation!" "Do not lament he will probably have what is a better claim than mere saintship on Heaven martyrdom," said De Mauleon, with a smile in which sarcasm disappeared in melancholy.

His first and natural thought, to steal away to her and induce her to accompany him back to England, Kirkwood perforce discarded. He could have wept over the realization of his unqualified impotency. He had no money, not even cab-fare from the hotel to the railway station. Something subtler, more crafty, had to be contrived to meet the emergency.

Now see that perfect comedian, Arthur Roberts, superior to Irving because he is working with living material; how trim and saucy he is! and how he evokes the soul, the brandy-and-soda soul, of the young men, delightful and elegant in black and white, who are so vociferously cheering him, "Will you stand me a cab-fare, ducky, I am feeling so awfully queer?"

An idler or two took up a grinning stand: the thing looked like a cab-fare dispute.... What was she wanting to pay? ... Well, as little as possible. "I have never been in London before, and I don't know anybody. My friend here has gone. I have just arrived from Ireland." She began to cry. He from his box in a moment. "From Ireland!"

The blue eyes shone out vivid gentian-colour in the kindly smile that illumined them, the stern lips parted in a laugh that showed the sound white closely-set teeth. "Tom McFadyen, I do know you. But if you offer to pay me that cab-fare you owe me, I shall say I'm wrong, and that it's another man."

"Oh, the secretary!" yawned Zapoikin. "You mean the drunken one?" "Yes. There will be pancakes, a lunch . . . you'll get your cab-fare. Come along, dear chap. You spout out some rigmarole like a regular Cicero at the grave and what gratitude you will earn!" Zapoikin readily agreed. He ruffled up his hair, cast a shade of melancholy over his face, and went out into the street with Poplavsky.