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Updated: August 19, 2024

"There will be a large amount of money placed to your credit," Murden said. "Remember that each bushranger killed or taken prisoner is worth one hundred pounds." "We hope we shall never be poor enough to ask for it," Fred replied.

"My God!" said Houghton, turning upon him with staring eyes, "you are " "Whose horse is that?" interjected Cayley. Firefoot laid his head upon Cayley's shoulder. Houghton looked at them both for a moment. "It is the horse of Hyland the bushranger," he said. "All Queensland knows Firefoot." Then he dazedly added: "Are you Hyland?"

I thought that once I heard the shrill voice of Nancy raised in thanksgiving to the Lord for the rescue, and the death of the bushranger, but was so busy at the moment that I did not pay much attention. "Ladies," said Mr.

The posts they raised by the side of the western lakes and rivers, were so many videttes of that army of colonisers who have built up great commonwealths in that vast country, where the bushranger was the only European two centuries ago. The most famous amongst their leaders was the quick-witted Nicholas Perrot the explorer of the interior of the continent.

Others, including Ned Kelly himself, broke out and were shot or captured. He was hanged in Melbourne gaol. But this is getting far away from the Australian children's games. It is a curious fact that when the Australian children assemble to play "Bushrangers and Bobbies," everybody wants to be a bushranger, and the guardian of the law is looked upon as quite an inferior character.

Jack Battle jumped over the table and stood behind M. Radisson as second lieutenant, Ben's eyes gaping to see Jack's disguise of bushranger like himself. "Go on," orders M. Radisson, "choose whom you will!" The soldiers broke into ringing cheers. "Devil take you, Radisson," ejaculates Ben familiarly, "such cool impudence would chill the Nick!" "That is as it may be," retorts Radisson. "Choose!

"I don't fear any man, if he comes at me single, but I don't like fighting with the devil and his imps!" exclaimed the superstitious bushranger, and I judged that a majority of his comrades sided with his idea, and seemed much more disposed to return to camp than to weary themselves with a search for unknown foes. "You know what the cap'n will say if we go back without a good report.

In the entrance, stepping over the body of the dead bushranger, he found the poor old white-headed hutkeeper knocked down and killed in the first rush. He went on into the parlour; and there, oh, lamentable sight! was Cecil; clever, handsome little Cecil, our old favourite, lying half fallen from the sofa, shot through the heart, dead. But not alone.

"Come, ain't you covies agoing to move along and get some lush, or is you goin' to stand here all night, and hanged to you?" cried the doorkeeper, who had secured the door, and wanted to turn his attention to any amusement that might be going on, including that of being asked to drink by any good-natured bushranger present. "Don't you be in a hurry, you old grampus," cried Mr.

We had been telling each other stories which we had heard or read of bushranging exploits, until we were all as nervous as possible. Ghosts, or even burglar stories, are nothing to the horror of a true bushranger story, and F had made himself particularly ghastly and disagreeable by giving a minute account of an adventure which had been told to him by one of the survivors.

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