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Updated: August 4, 2024

That's a pair of gallant young sprigs, but the choice is your Frenchman, Radisson." "I'll pink his breast-bone full of holes if the other doesn't curse him." A sweet laugh trickled from Bucklaw's lips like oil. "That's neither here nor there. I'd like to have him down Acapulco way, dear lad... And now, here's my plan all changed.

WE have anticipated the course of time to mention Bucklaw's recovery and fate, that we might not interrupt the detail of events which succeeded the funeral of the unfortunate Lucy Ashton. This melancholy ceremony was performed in the misty dawn of an autumnal morning, with such moderate attendance and ceremony as could not possibly be dispensed with.

He and Radisson had fought and parted; they had been in ugly business together, and they were likely to be, now that they had met, in ugly business again. Bucklaw's tiger ran up to stroke his chin with the old grotesque gesture. "Ha!" he said saucily, "cats and devils have nine lives." There was the same sparkle in the eye as of old, the same buoyant voice.

Lockhard," said the old butler to his companion, "will be pleased to step to the change-house where that light comes from, and where, as I judge, they are now singing 'Cauld Kail in Aberdeen, ye may do your master's errand about the venison, and I will do mine about Bucklaw's bed, as I return frae getting the rest of the vivers.

It is no matter what one English do, the other absolve for gold. A buccaneer, a stealer of women no, it is no matter! All English all together! But I am French I am the dirt I am for the scuppers. Bah! I will have the same as Bucklaw you see?" "You will have the irons, fellow!" Phips roared. A knife flashed in the air, and Bucklaw's pistol was out at the same instant.

"He's nae belly god, that's ae blessing; and Bucklaw's gane, that could have eaten a horse behind the saddle. Cresses or water-purpie, and a bit ait-cake, can serve the Master for breakfast as weel as Caleb. Then for dinner there's no muckle left on the spule-bane; it will brander, though it will brander very weel."

"And that's what all young brides say," said Henry; "and so do not be cast down, Lucy, for you'll tell another tale a twelvemonth hence; and I am to be bride's-man, and ride before you to the kirk; and all our kith, kin, and allies, and all Bucklaw's, are to be mounted and in order; and I am to have a scarlet laced coat, and a feathered hat, and a swordbelt, double bordered with gold, and point d'Espagne, and a dagger instead of a sword; and I should like a sword much better, but my father won't hear of it.

"But the gentleman says very right for all that, my lady," said an old huntsman, who had listened to Bucklaw's harangue with no small edification; "and I have heard my father say, who was a forester at the Cabrach, that a wild boar's gaunch is more easily healed than a hurt from the deer's horn, for so says the old woodman's rhyme

But if you'll listen for five minutes, down here at the Bull- and-Daisy, there shall be peace between us." An hour later, Phips, following Bucklaw's instructions, is tracing on a map the true location of the lost galleon's treasure. "Then," says Bucklaw, "we are comrades?" "We are adventurers." Another scene.

He put a quantity of gold pieces into Bucklaw's hand, which he thrust into his pocket without either counting or looking at them, only observing, "That he was so circumstanced that he must enlist, though the devil offered the press-money"; and then turning to the huntsmen, he called out, "Come along, my lads; all is at my cost." "Long life to Bucklaw!" shouted the men of the chase.

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