United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

She laid no light hand on Ruth's shoulder; and the latter, partly intimidated by the old servant, who had hitherto only turned her vixen lining to observation, and partly because she was broken-spirited enough to be indifferent to the measure proposed, quietly sat down. Sally produced the formidable pair of scissors that always hung at her side, and began to cut in a merciless manner.

The eldest, Renaud, returning from his exile and the Holy Land, finds that his wife Clarisse has pined for him and died; and then, putting away his armour from him, and dressing in a pilgrim's frock made of the purple serge of the dead lady's robe, he goes forth to wander through the world; not very old in years, but broken-spirited; at peace, but in solitude of heart.

And of those left behind, one was a broken-spirited old man with sorrow melting away the sinister look in his face; one, a girl hovering between the tempest of bitterness and a storm of self-reproach; and one a half-breed gambler, who again sat on the bar- counter smoking a cigarette and singing to himself, as indolently as if he were not in the presence of a painful drama of life, perhaps a tragedy.

That this property was largely lost during the civil war, leaving the Earlys almost destitute at the time that broken-spirited lady died, had never altered this fact; nor was it changed when, later, after the death of both uncles, the property in partially restored shape came to the girl, so bound beneath legal restrictions, that she could never have the management of anything but the income.

The fortune of the broken-spirited, broken-hearted old man was now at its lowest ebb; and he gave up the fight. There was a long silence. Jenny was thinking hard. What could she say or do; how could she help him? A knock at the door broke the stillness, which had become almost oppressive. "Come in," said Von Barwig wearily. He barely looked at the door as it opened.

I am broken-spirited, and my only ambition is for rest, the rest He gives to His beloved " "Rest, Angela! that is the cry of us all, we strive for rest, and here we never find it.

"Why, you whiskery old skunk, you ain't got the grit to shoot sour apples," was Billy's answer. "I know your kind brave as lions when it comes to pullin' miserable, broken-spirited bindle stiffs, but as leery as a yellow dog when you face a man. Pull that trigger! Why, you pusillanimous piece of dirt, you'd run with your tail between your legs if I said boo!"

Struggling along the dark beach with my head against the wind, I stumbled over a crouching figure, seeking to shelter itself a little from the storm under the lee of the Spa wall. I expected it to swear at me, but it seemed too broken-spirited to mind anything. "I beg your pardon," I said. "I did not see you." At the sound of my voice it started to its feet. "Is that you, old man?" it cried.

A gentleman seeing him sit silent, with his hat over his moody brows, civilly extended to him the paper he was reading. "It is the second edition; you will find the last French express." "Thank yon," said Maltravers; and the civil man started as he heard the brief answer; there was something so inexpressibly prostrate and broken-spirited in the voice that uttered it.

In the presence of this unhappy man, so unworthily treated, so broken-spirited, so confiding, Camors if there be any truth in old spiritual laws should have seen himself guilty of an atrocious act, which should have condemned him to a remorse almost unbearable.