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A bindle-stiff is a working tramp. He takes his name from the roll of blankets he carries, which is known as a "bindle." Because he does work, a bindle-stiff is expected usually to have some small change about him, and it is after that small change that the road-kids go.

The ugly surroundings registered on his eyes, and he stared suspiciously at the other cots. But there was no sign that anyone had been trying to rob him of his bindle or the precious bag of cheap tobacco. He started to relax back onto the couch when a sound caught his attention, even over the snoring of the others. It was a low wail, the sound of a man who can no longer control himself.

Do you know what the Premier said about you the other night at dinner, to Lady Bindle? A dear fellow, a sound party man, and runs his Department admirably. But he strikes only on the box! Pig!" It was about this time that Robin became a member of our establishment.

"Why, you whiskery old skunk, you ain't got the grit to shoot sour apples," was Billy's answer. "I know your kind brave as lions when it comes to pullin' miserable, broken-spirited bindle stiffs, but as leery as a yellow dog when you face a man. Pull that trigger! Why, you pusillanimous piece of dirt, you'd run with your tail between your legs if I said boo!"

"Ain't saying." "Wise, huh?" "Don't want to get sent back," said Jimmy. "Got a flop?" "Flop?" "Place to sleep for the night." "No." "Where'd you sleep last night?" "Boxcar." "Bindlestiff, huh?" roared the man with laughter. "No, sir," said Jimmy. "I've no bindle." The man's roar of laughter stopped abruptly. "You're a pretty wise kid," he said thoughtfully. "I told y' so," said Moe.