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Updated: August 2, 2024

He gave me such a look when our eyes met in the mirror that, for an instant, I thought that he intended to do me some mischief shoot me, you know, for taking his bride-to-be away from him, or some fool thing like that. But as we turned toward each other I saw he had no intention of that sort." "Hadn't he?" says Colonel Tom, mighty interested.

She's got plenty of life left in her, as Karl Brabetz will learn before long." Thus spoke the far-sighted Marchioness, aunt of the bride-to-be. "It's terribly gruesome to speak of burying people before they are actually dead." "Other women have married princes and got on very well," said Prince Lichtenstein. "Oh, come now, Prince," put in Lord Deppingham, "you know the sort of chap Brabetz is.

He raved of her beauty and her charm, and concluded by asking the Prince to accompany him that he might make the acquaintance of the Lieutenant's bride-to-be.

Ethel Lord has learned truly the infinitely rich possibilities of our nerves when we make them our friends. For four heart-breaking years, the strife of a nation at war with itself had spread desolation and sorrow broadcast. The fighting ceased in April. One mid-June day following, the town folk and those from countrysides far and near met on the ample grounds of a bride-to-be.

"Cousin Rose," began Isabel, a little abashed by the older woman's magnificence, "I'm engaged to Allison." "Really?" cried Rose, with well-assumed astonishment. "Come here and let me kiss the bride-to-be. You must make him very happy," she said, then added, softly: "I pray that you may." "Everybody seems to think of him and not of me," Isabel returned, a little fretfully.

She assured herself that she looked forward to her marriage with Transley with the proper delight of a bride-to-be, and indeed it was a prospect that could well be contemplated with pleasure.... Transley had won the complete confidence of her father and when doubts assailed her Zen found in that fact a very considerable comfort. Y.D. was a shrewd man; a man who seldom guessed wrong.

He noticed not how cold it was. "Thank God, Mademoiselle," he said, "that once more I look into your eyes. And if one wedding day is gone well, there is yet time for another!" He, rose, and proudly before them all he drew her toward him and kissed her cheek. It was his right; she was, the light of all his dreams, at once his bride-to-be and lady-love.

"There's nothing like getting my bride-to-be a little used to me," he declared to her father, with a grim laugh. Once after Jasper Wilde had bid Bernardine and her father good-night, he walked along the street, little caring in which direction he went, his mind was so preoccupied with trying to solve the problem of how to make this haughty girl care for him.

Mélanie spent the intervening days happily with Agatha, or walking with Aleck, or with the delightful group that foregathered in Parson Thayer's library. Jimmy made extravagant and highly colored verses to the bride-to-be, to Sallie Kingsbury, and even to himself. His feet were often lame, but he solemnly assured the company that it was entirely due to circumstances over which he had no control.

George, in reverent and humble mood, began to drop vague hints that he was really unworthy of his bride-to-be. He said that he had not always been as good as he should have been; he said that her purity and sweetness had awakened in him new ideals; so that he felt his old life had been full of blunders.

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