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Bounderby. 'The nine oils, sir, to rub father with. 'Then, said Mr. Bounderby, with a loud short laugh, 'what the devil do you rub your father with nine oils for? 'It's what our people aways use, sir, when they get any hurts in the ring, replied the girl, looking over her shoulder, to assure herself that her pursuer was gone. 'They bruise themselves very bad sometimes.

Sparsit, 'there was wont to be an elasticity in you which I sadly miss. Be buoyant, sir! Mr. Bounderby, under the influence of this difficult adjuration, backed up by her compassionate eye, could only scratch his head in a feeble and ridiculous manner, and afterwards assert himself at a distance, by being heard to bully the small fry of business all the morning. 'Bitzer, said Mrs.

The blustrous Bounderby crimsoned and swelled to such an extent on hearing these words, that he seemed to be, and probably was, on the brink of a fit. With his very ears a bright purple shot with crimson, he pent up his indignation, however, and said: 'You'd like to keep her here for a time?

"Father," said Louisa, "do you think I love Mr. Bounderby?" Mr. Gradgrind was extremely discomforted by this unexpected question. "Well, my child," he returned, "I really cannot take upon myself to say." "Father," pursued Louisa, in exactly the same voice as before, "do you ask me to love Mr. Bounderby?" "My dear Louisa, no. No, I ask nothing." "Father, does Mr. Bounderby ask me to love him?"

Bounderby, pushing away his plate, and leaning back. 'Fire away! 'I ha' coom, Stephen began, raising his eyes from the floor, after a moment's consideration, 'to ask yo yor advice. I need 't overmuch. I were married on Eas'r Monday nineteen year sin, long and dree. She were a young lass pretty enow wi' good accounts of herseln. Well! She went bad soon. Not along of me.

'Who do you mean by We? 'Let me say I, then, he returned, in answer to the coarsely blurted question; 'I doubt whether I have understood Louisa. I doubt whether I have been quite right in the manner of her education. 'There you hit it, returned Bounderby. 'There I agree with you. You have found it out at last, have you? Education!

'Let it be so. Since Mr. Bounderby likes to take me thus, I am satisfied to accept his proposal. Tell him, father, as soon as you please, that this was my answer. Repeat it, word for word, if you can, because I should wish him to know what I said. 'It is quite right, my dear, retorted her father approvingly, 'to be exact. I will observe your very proper request.

A man so fond of his daughter, that he runs away from her! This is devilish good! Ha! ha! Now, I'll tell you what, young man. I haven't always occupied my present station of life. I know what these things are. You may be astonished to hear it, but my mother ran away from me. E. W. B. Childers replied pointedly, that he was not at all astonished to hear it. 'Very well, said Bounderby.

Bounderby is a very remarkable man; and what little disparity can be said to exist between you if any is more than counterbalanced by the tone your mind has acquired. Kiss me once more, Louisa. Now, let us go and find your mother. Accordingly, they went down to the drawing-room, where the esteemed lady with no nonsense about her, was recumbent as usual, while Sissy worked beside her.

Here's old Bounderby always boasting that at my age he lived upon twopence a month, or something of that sort. Here's my father drawing what he calls a line, and tying me down to it from a baby, neck and heels. Here's my mother who never has anything of her own, except her complaints. What is a fellow to do for money, and where am I to look for it, if not to my sister?